When You Want To Fall into The Trap Of Comparison

When You Want To Fall into The Trap Of Comparison

Many times we feel like failures because we are
constantly in pursuit of other peoples acquisitions, someone else’s dream and
what they are. A dangerous path of comparison leads headlong into a life of

One of the chapters, in the book, “Overcomefailure; Get Back Up on Your Feet”, digs deep on comparison and breaking free
from the bondage. 

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In this video, I share three truths you should
remember when you feel tempted to compare your life with someone else.

PS: Lux G. my dearest friend is currently running a giveaway for my New Book over at her Blog, About Life and Love. Hurry Now and Enter the Giveaway!>>HERE<<

This post is part of the book launch for the New Book…you are more than welcome to join us every week through out the month of August for more exciting and encouraging articles.

For all the information you need about the book and free resources and videos >>Go HERE&lt;&lt;  

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By His Great Grace,
Ifeoma Samuel.

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Comment Update!

Dear friends, I have the habit of visiting you before I
respond here on my blog that way I can keep track of blogging friends I am yet
to visit. 

To keep up with your latest posts, I changed my strategy. Now I visit your blog then respond to very few comments here. 

In case you are wondering why I keep updating you on my progress, for me this is a wonderful community and I respect you all and finally it holds me accountable to you. Haha!! *smiling*

Thanks for your understanding and I appreciate your kindest comments
thus far☺

I usually linkup my articles with these wonderful ladies HERE.

If you enjoyed this article, you will find my book as a great resource too. Click to buy below.

Side Note

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  • That trap of comparison is awful and not something God ever intended for His children. Thanks for the reminder on Grace and Truth!

  • Hey there Ifeoma. This is a great reminder for us all and something we should all be aware of. Thanks for sharing at good morning Mondays. Blessings

  • Thank you for sharing your insights on this important scripture. I marvel that God so thoroughly knows the things we struggle with and includes them in His Word.

  • It's hard not to compare ourselves and our journey with others, but at the same time, when we do compare ourselves to others we either frustrate and discourage ourselves or think we are better than others. Either one is not a good. We have to focus on being the person God made us to be. Thanks for sharing at Mom-to-Mom Mondays.

  • I learned many years ago as a young mother not to compare myself to others or my children to others. Life is life and sometimes the best thing to do is to play the cards dealt
    come see us at http://shopannies.blogspot.com

  • Such a great topic!! I have fallen into that pit and praise God He has pulled me out! I love the video! Great job and God Bless!

  • Comparison is something I do all the time. I like to think it can sometimes be good. But have to admit mine is often not!

  • The comparison trap is a huge lure for me…I have to fight falling into it every day, all day. Thank you for feeding that fight today, Ifeoma!Stopping by from Coffee & Conversation!

  • Hmm…comparison is definitely an evil cousin of doubt and discouragement Ifeoma. i know I have fallen into that trap at times. I am learning to keep my eyes on Jesus and trust His leading. So great to hear from you today. I am always blessed by your insights. Your book looks beautiful! I wish you continued success. Have a wonderful week and may God richly bless you in all your endeavors!

  • I really don't want to be like anyone else, except to be like Jesus – – but – – I find that after reading inspirational books, we pick up knowledge or truth that seems new to us and we can use it for our next sharing time. Thank you for your awesome post shared with us here at Tell me a Story.

    • 9 years ago

    That's such an important topic, Ifeoma. I know I've falen into the comparison trap many times. And congratulations on your new book!I hope it does incredibly well. I've been so busy this summer and during June was "unplugged" in many ways, so I had to go back through my emails to see about your launch. Forgive me for being so distracted! But I am certainly praying you make a huge difference in people's lives, my friend!

  • Ifeoma, what a wonderful post about your powerful new book! God has given you the gift of encouragement … We may never know until Heaven all the many lives you have so positively impacted to seek our Savior for every need we have. Thanks you, again, for all your encouragement to me personally…many blessings to you ❤️

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