When You Think Your Story Doesn’t Matter!

When You Think Your Story Doesn’t Matter!


We arrived at the school entrance and were greeted with a courteous smile.
“Hi how are you doing?” I said to my friend.
“I am great, just thought I should let you know my mum took your book and refused to drop it ever since!”..she responded. Ok?
That’s great to hear. I am glad she likes it. Not only does she read it, she studies it with a journal and her pen ready to go with.
That’s great!
This conversation was 3 weeks before her mum passed on. 
My friend’s mum had a terminal thyroid disease. “My 30 Day Journey To a Fulfilled Life” was the last book she held in her hands.
I got quite a fright!
Dear Lord, I hope she read it all? 
I hope she got to the last few chapters?
I hope she reconciled with you, our Maker?
Honestly, I was worried.
Not until, my friend told me how much the book meant to her mom, was I relieved.
In the last few chapters of that book, I wrote about living everyday as if it was our last. I spoke about being heaven ready at all times!
The news of her death sent home a different message. 
Your words could be the very last thing someone hears, or reads.
♠ I got more cautious and intentional about my writing and everything I put out there!
♠It made me understand the value of tending the portion of the garden the Lord has Given me…yes this little online home and everything else offline.
♠It requires that I hold myself accountable to write as He leads and instructs even for those who drop by daily and savour these words or for those who breeze past.
♠It gives me a vivid picture of what God meant here in 1 Corinthians 10:31
Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. I Corinthians 10:31
Now, that Little Book and this New Book are for God’s glory. 
If God is not glorifiied, then the whole purpose is lost.
At that moment when you think your story doesn’t matter, God says, everything you are passing through for the sake of the gospel truly matters.
Your story matters friend!
The way you say it.
What you think about your life journey,
Everything in between really matters.
Your story counts.
There is someone who is watching you, listening to you and steadfastly following in your footsteps. 
Let them see the Light in your life
Let them see Hope in your story
Let them see Jesus through and through
Everything about your life story matters from the very mundane, gory, heart ripping to the bliss, laughter and fond memories. Like the rainbow, laid side, the beautiful colours create a glorious impression…they become blended into a heart-warming story- Ifeoma Samuel #OvercomeFailure

 In the first chapter of “Overcome failure” I write about the value of story telling. Whether it is yours or mine, it matters.

God showed me daily how weighty the words He gives us are.
Gal, God’s words impressed upon our hearts can save a soul, transform another and bring hope yet to another.
We dare not underestimate the value of the story He makes out of our lives.

If you enjoyed this piece, then the Book “Overcome Failure: Get Back on Your Feet” would be of immense blessing to you!

For all the information you need about the book and free resources and videos >>Go HERE


  • You are so right that we do have to live as if it is our last day. I was thinking about that today that I show love to people well they are here. Not to wait until they are eulogized to express my love and gratitude for them!

  • What a touching story, Ifeoma! Thank you for the reminder to live well, following the call of the Father! Our stories matter, our ministries matter, our lives matter.
    Blessings and smiles,

  • So sorry about your friend passing before her time. That is so sad when a life leaves this earth, but I am happy she devoured your book, and I am certain God spoke to her about making Him Lord of her life. Congratulations on the launching of your new Book and may it's message be far reaching. Thank you for sharing with us here at Tell me a Story.

  • That is a very powerful reminder. Thank you so much for linking up at Booknificent Thursday on Mommynificent.com this week!

  • Congratulations on your new book, Ifeoma. It's great how God used your writing to minister to that lady. So exciting when we see him use our words to bless others.

  • If God is not glorified, then the whole purpose is lost……I love that! This is something we should keep in mind in every single thing we do. Thank you for encouraging others to share their stories and that their stories matter!

  • Very encouraging. 🙂 Like Paul said, "To live is Christ!" Though I fail time and time again, I've tried to live my SAHM life glorifying Christ in everything I do from cleaning to cooking, from homeschooling to blogging, and everything else in between.

  • So thankful, Ifeoma, that God has given you this gift of confirmation that your words matter. May He continue to use your story for His glory!

  • Ifeoma, what a beautiful testimony of how your words blessed someone in their final days. We truly never know the full impact our words may have on another. Thank you for reminding me that our words are a sacred trust. May we use them well and let God's Spirit guide our words. Every day. Blessings!

  • Ifeoma, thank you for reminding me that my story matters and there's a responsibility in telling it for God's glory. Sometimes we get caught up in the numbers of blogging but if we remember Jesus' ministry we would be encouraged and inspired. Many didn't listen to His words at the time, yet He didn't give up! We shouldn't either.
    I'm excited for you and your writing ministry. May every word in this new book touch those who are searching for Christ and seeking to live for Him.
    Blessings and hugs,
    Marva | Sun Sparkle Shine

    • 9 years ago

    What a sobering thought that our words may be the last that someone hears or reads. Thank you for sharing that here. May we take care that our words be acceptable in His sight.

  • So good. Glad to be visiting you from #FMF #35. Have a blessed weekend.

  • Ifeoma, this is a wonderful post, and so very true!

    We have to live as if every moment is indeed our last, and dedicate that moment to His Glory.

    No other way to live.

    #2 at FMF this week.


  • How amazing that your book blessed someone so much in her final days! I think it's always worth keeping in the back of our minds that we should treat each person with the kindness and respect we would if we knew it would be our last interaction with her. And, of course, always share the hope of Jesus!

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