PSST..You are Somebody!

PSST..You are Somebody!

Her words were heavy and harsh in my ears.‘You are nobody and nobody knows you’. My hand was numb and felt stuck to the phone. Like a poisoned arrowhead, the words were delivered without remorse. She hung up and the coldness of the poison began to descend down my spine. 

Life is a game of words. What you let stay, stays. What you don’t agree with, doesn’t stay.

Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that
love it shall eat the fruit thereof. Proverbs 18:21
Lies, lies and lies she had whispered to my ears. But…
Then I spoke…
 ‘I am Somebody’
 ‘God knows me’
 That’s what matters….case closed.
That’s what happens when the enemy gets into your head, he plants lies and begins to water them. The publishing agent was trying hard to get me to commit but friend, she did it the wrong way! 
During the conversation, she said she was concerned. Concerned?Really! An odd way of showing it. Many people don’t realize the potency of their words. We can show grace to those who hurt us with their words when we remember it is the best they have got. If they knew any better they would have given it.
 Related Article: Affirm God’s Word
The last thing to do is to entrust your project into the hands of someone who does not believe in you and simply think s/he is doing you an outright favor. So I am headed else where.
What do you do when you have the harshest of words whispered to you?
What do you do when the enemy spins lies?
Don’t let the enemy box you to a corner.
That’s what he did with Eve. He made her see no better option than eating the ‘forbidden
fruit’. Genesis 3:4-5 “You shall be as gods”…as if God was keeping something away from
Whatever is contrary to what God has said is a lie.
Discard it and move on. When you begin to pay courtesy to the enemy’s lie you
give him a foothold in your life. Titus 1:1-2 and Hebrews 6:18
Speak God’s Word over that situation. Many of us are scared to speak. We are afraid our words would fall to the ground. The Word of God never falls to the ground. You make it of none effect when you don’t believe it. Let the faith in your heart push you to decree over that circumstance. 

For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall sayunto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith
shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. Mark 11:23

Related Article: How to Overcome Using God’s Word

Obey God and hold on to His promises. Like the three Hebrew boys, don’t bow to the idols challenging you. God will show up in your life when you wholeheartedly hold on. In the world, there are idols that want to snatch you away from God’s kingdom. Don’t bow or kneel to them.
Related ArticleWhat Moves You

Truthfully, I have seen many No’s become Huge Yeses in ways I least expect. When that great door opens up it swallows the heap of ‘No’ tags you have received.

 Are you with me?
Did someone ever say to you ‘you are nobody’?
Those harsh publisher’s words were enough to make me quit my writing dream. Guess what, they did the very opposite. Right now, I am eager to pursue my dreams.
May be you are reading this and you just received a resounding No, don’t give up. Now is the time to rework your plans, get busy getting better and growing yourself.
This message is for you who feels, no one will take you. This message is for you who have heard over and again that ‘you are nobody’…
You are chosen (1 Peter 2:9)
 You are loved (Jeremiah 31:3)
 You are seen (Psalm 34:15)
 Don’t short change yourself by give in to those harsh negative comments.
Related Articles: How Toxic are your thoughts
                              Handling Negative Comments
Don’t sell yourself short by accepting these words. God is not done with you, He is just starting.
Do I hear an Amen?
 What people say don’t matter but what God says is final.
 I wrote free Power Declarations for the Year download yours >>HERE<< absolutely free *no strings attached*.
Comment Prompt: Have you had a similar experience? What did you do? What more can you add?
By His Great Grace,
Ifeoma Samuel

In case you are wondering why I keep updating you on my progress, for me this is a wonderful community and I respect you all and finally it holds me accountable to you. Haha!! *smiling*

So I have 13 previous posts to go!
Thanks for your understanding and I appreciate your kindest comments
thus far☺

I usually linkup my articles with these wonderful ladies HERE.
If you enjoyed this article, you will find my book as a great resource too. Click to buy below.


    • 9 years ago

    Amen..lovely post..thank you for the encouragement…what God says is final!!

  • I loved this post ! Jesus said YOU and I are somebody special.

  • Admin, if not okay please remove!

    Our facebook group “selfless” is spending this month spreading awareness on prostate cancer & research with a custom t-shirt design. Purchase proceeds will go to, as listed on the shirt and shirt design.


    • 9 years ago

    Thank you for this encouragement and for sharing it on the Art of Home-Making Mondays. YES, you get an "amen" 🙂

  • "‘I am Somebody’
    ‘God knows me’
    That’s what matters….case closed."
    Yes, yes, and yes! Beautiful, Ifeoma. I'm glad you didn't let the negative words seep into your soul.

  • What an encouraging word today, Ifeoma! The enemy works so hard through others to make us want to give up! I'm so thankful you gave him a one-way ticket out of your mind! You are a tremendous encourager and your future is filled with amazing things for God's Kingdom!

  • Ifeoma, thanks for the inspirational post. I really found it a blessing this week; so, I am featuring it on the Literacy Musing Mondays linkup which goes live at 6 p.m. Sunday, May 1. 😉

  • Amen to this, Ifeoma: "Whatever is contrary to what God has said is a lie. Discard it and move on". I'm slowly learning to do so.

    I've just finished reading "A Transformed Mind" by Tracy Wainwright…it's being released on May 6th and is all about what you've written om here with practical tools and tips for transforming our minds through Christ and His Word. I pray it helps many
    take ahold of God's Truth. And she also talks about emotions not being the same as thoughts: yes, words hurt, but much less, when we place the balm of God's Truth over them. And He can help us heal from the remaining hurt too.

    I've missed your blog.

  • Ifeoma, thank you for sharing the way that you turned to truth to counteract falsehood! This is the only way to "fight" the lies. Blessings, sister in Christ!

  • I had coffee with a friend earlier this week who gave me the much needed reminder of fighting back the lies from the enemy with God's word. It's our armour! Blessings.

  • You have great strength and it is obvious that that comes from your Father and from His word. Thank you for sharing.

  • Ifeoma, as I read your post I think about the Scripture that says God will "extinguish the flaming arrows of the evil one." Not that the people who speak harsh words are evil, but the enemy uses words to cause self-doubt and discouragement. I'm so proud that you know who God says you are and are holding onto Him as you pursue your dream. Press on my friend!

  • whether the words come in real life or in your head, they hurt for sure. blessings to you ifeoma as you continue to grow from these harsh words. listening to GOD's words about you are the most important ones for sure! those words are most encouraging.

  • Faith and strength is action. Bravo!

    #1 FMF this week

  • Words can sting, can't they? But I love your reminder that if it is not of God then it's not true! It matters so much how we respond to these words both internally and outwardly, thank goodness God has instructions for that. It is so hard not to reel back and sink into despair, self-loathing or self-pity when situations like these happen. I am inspired by your courage to stand tall and to pursue the dream God has put on your heart! New visitor here, I found you through the WholeHearted Wednesday linky.

  • Yes! What people say doesn't matter but what God says is final. Loved this one!

  • A resounding and loud AMEN from over in #39 spot at Jennifer's today. I can't even get a grip on what the agent said to you.

  • It is bad enough when our own thoughts tell us negative comments, but when a "concerned" friend says hateful things it is truly hurtful. Your quick response to say the opposite was on point. We should constantly remind ourselves what God says about us. WE ARE Somebody and others do Know you – – including the most important one our Lord. Thank you for sharing here at Tell me a Story. They told me – no one wants to hear your stories, but I tell them anyway.

  • There were some unkind words spoken to me as a young girl that I have never forgotten. At that time, I did not have a relationship with Jesus as I do now. I can let go of unkind words and know that God speaks nothing but truth and love over me. Thank you for the beautiful truth to carry with me this week.

  • Oh, I love this post. My dad who was a drunk always called me and my two brother pitiful. And for years I operated under that until I met Jesus. Now I can with courage say, I am the daughter of the King, the most high King. I am not pitiful, I am greatly loved and protected by the God of the universe. Great encouraging post.

  • "What God says is final," Amen, Ifeoma. I pray His words over us are the ones that stick, the ones we hold onto. Keep writing, sweet friend. : )

  • I'm so sorry you had to hear those words, friend. We need to encourage one another as we all combat the lies of the enemy every day. You are a daughter of the King…never forget that!

  • I liked it when you said: "Whatever is contrary to what God has said is a lie". I knew God's word is Truth, but the way you said that, that's the first time I thought of it that way. That everything else that doesn't line up with God's word is death, a lie. It's difficult to think that way all the time, but it's definitely something to strive for.

  • "I don't need my name in lights, I'm famous in my Father's eyes. Make no mistake He knows my name!" I am sorry for your hurt, but so inspired that you know where your true identity lies! I am visiting from Soul Survival and would like to invite you to linkup with us at #JesusandCoffee on Wednesdays @ Hope you have a wonderful week!

  • Yay Ifeoma! Amen! You are somebody. The Lord says so- He made it so. Love this and so glad you are continuing to pursue those dreams, sweet friends!

  • Amen Ifeoma!

    These words of yours were so timely for me today because I, unfortunately, was allowing Satan to whisper in my ear "You are nobody", not someone from the outside. Thank you for the great encouragement you shared. You turned the ashes of the publishers harsh words into beauty for yourself and all of us who read your wonderful insights.

    You are such a blessing and a wonderful somebody to me! 🙂

  • I am sorry your work was rejected and I'm sorry it was done in this fashion. But i am not sorry, beautiful one, that you turned this hurtful situation into a teaching tool for the not only yourself but the rest of us. I agree with all your points especially declaring God's Word over myself and my circumstances. God believes in you! I believe in you and may your writing dream come true! Hugs to you.

    • 9 years ago

    Hi Ifeoma! What an awful thing to say! My goodness, publishers should be in the business of lifting us up, not crushing our spirits. I am not seeking to be published, so I've never had this happen to me, and I marvel at your sense of strength and purpose. What can that be but the Holy Spirit in you?

    I'm so glad you didn't let one person's opinion carry you to despair. I just put up a meme on my FB site that talks about famous people who suffered so much rejection, and yet kept going. People like Walt Disney and JK Rowling. We are meant to hang on and keep working. Have faith and strength. And you sure do!!

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