30 Life Lessons Every Girl Should Know Before They Reach 30

30 Life Lessons Every Girl Should Know Before They Reach 30

Mummy, am I growing every day?

Yes, you are….why do you ask? Wondering where that came from.
“Mummy, I want to be big like you.”
Ok, that caught me off guard!
A very familiar kitchen conversation we can relate to as moms.
Her young heart thinks growing as ‘big’ as I am is all it
takes to be a grown up.
I couldn’t quit smiling as I looked down her wide shiny eyes eager to
grasp the words I would say next.
The word ‘big ’ reminded me of the pressures … keeping up with bucket
lists, goals and expectations of wearing the different hats all come with being
‘big’. Who ever knew growing up would feel this way?

Here are few life lessons I wish my daughter – and other
little girls like her – would know before they approach their 30’s. I pray your
girls draw encouragement from these important life lessons.

Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get
wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding
. ~ Proverbs 4:7

1.   Regardless of where you are, life is more
than you know. You will never know it all. Keep learning.
2.   God is greater than all our experiences put
together. Come what may, He is always dependable.
3.   Give yourself the gift of a smile each day.
4.   Take even the most ridiculous things to
prayer. In essence, pray much more than you complain.
5.   Every day furnishes us another chance to
“Try, Thrive and Triumph” where we have failed.

I am honored to write for the special community at Club31 Women. Please read the rest of this article on Club 31 Women. Remember to get your free printable over there too! 
  • As a mom of four daughters, this hits the spot! Thank you so much! 🙂

  • Such a great list! I have boys but I think of how great it would have been to know these things earlier in my own life! I am visiting from #intentionaltuesday and would also love to have you linkup some time with #JesusandCoffee over at http://www.amommasjoy.com Have a wonderful week!

  • What a wonderful list; for all of us to keep in mind.

  • Wow, what a powerful list! This is great! Thank you for sharing! 🙂

  • Wise words, as usual, Ifeoma! Thanks for your encouragement.

  • Great message. No. 11 Make gratitude your mantra is one that I really hope my children appreciate now and into adulthood.

  • How I wish I'd known this sooner: "The girl behind the mirror is special, unique and has a purpose; love her and take care of her", because I became my own worst enemy, always seeing imperfections and problems. Poor parenting led to feeling unloved, and it has taken me years to overcome by God's grace. Your list is awesome, wise and beautiful. It's a great thing to read regardless of our actual age. Thank you! Blessed to visit from #OneWordCoffee today.

  • Love the whole list, but especially this: "Regardless of where you are, life is more than you know. You will never know it all. Keep learning." Glad to be visiting from FMF!

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