Power of a Praying Grand Mother

Power of a Praying Grand Mother

I staggered to walk up the stairs
holding firmly the railings as I walked up. The journey back home had not been
easy. Sick for so long, the typhoid fever had weighed me down completely.

I was so scared because my exams were fast approaching and I was too sick to stay on
My family had been under so much
stress, I felt so sorry for my mum but I was helpless!
As I tapped on the door, grandma was there to get hold of me. Tears streamed down my face. I have never been so

She managed to freshen me up despite my body weakness. She took hold her anointing oil and began to pray for
me. With everything within her she poured her heart to the Lord.
When she was done, I couldn’t hold
back my emotions and I began to cry again. She begged me to stop!
I slept off and by the evening time, I
was well. Strength came upon my fragile body. The Lord healed me. The
medications came later on when my mum got home.
Oh gal, there is tremendous power in

We may not see it or feel it but the Lord hears our prayers. That day
replays in my head every time I think of my grand mum. 

Now my grandma is old, frail and her memory fading but she is never too tired or too forgetful to pray!

If you had read my book, I mentioned
how she taught me to prayer  and that became a bedrock for taking my prayer life seriously. If you don’t have a copy, please grab one here

In a guest post I wrote for Susan Mead, I shared how my faith also grew through the impact of my grand dad. Read all about it HERE.

There is so much we can do
for our grand children. If the Lord gives us that privilege, it is worthwhile
holding our little grand babes in prayers through God’s Word.  

When I call to remembrance the
unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother
Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also. 2 Timothy 2:5
Like Grandma Lois, Timothy’s grandmother, we should carry the flame of the gospel so much so that after we are gone it continues to burn. Grandma Lois’ flame burned so brightly that it kindled the same fire in the life of her daughter, Eunice. 

Eunice had learnt so much from her mom. that faith she had seen, the testimony and the life her mother led was a powerful instrument in her life. Eventually, her grandson became on of the renowned men of faith in his day.

As we walk in this journey of faith, as our footprints make impressions in the sands of life, let us be mindful of the prints we leave behind. 

Let us raise children
who would carry on the fire of the gospel. His grandmother, Lois, was mentioned
as a pillar of faith in his life so also his mother, Eunice.

It careless for us to leave our
children with options when it comes to their choosing our faith. There is so much evil in the world but we can guide their hearts through constantly sowing seeds of faith. 

Prayer: May my grand kids see the glitters of faith littered around them and follow a path of Grace I have tread. May the Lord grant that our lives be as light houses in the midst of the dark world. May our kids and grand kids see the way we have lived out our faith and choose to walk in the way of the Lord

We can’t force it on them but we can
show them the way by teaching them about God’s Word and living it out ourselves

And as we become grandparents or already are, we
can do much more in the place of constant prayers, living out our faith with
testimonies to show.

Are you a grandparent? How are you encouraging your grand kids in the Lord?

By His Great Grace,

Ifeoma Samuel

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To keep up with your latest posts, I changed my strategy. Now I visit your blog then respond to very few comments here. 

In case you are wondering why I keep updating you on my progress, for me this is a wonderful community and I respect you all and finally it holds me accountable to you. Haha!! *smiling*

Thanks for your understanding and I appreciate your kindest comments
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    • 9 years ago

    What a wonderful tribute to the elders in our lives. Beautiful Ifeoma! Mimi xxx

  • Thanks so much for the reminder of the importance and the power of a praying grandmother! It's a subject that near and dear to my heart! Have a wonderful holiday week-end!

  • Blessed to be a grandmother of six, I can so easily say "Amen" to what you have written! I have walked with several grandchildren through trials and difficulty and will do so next month when my 13 year old granddaughter faces serious surgery. The richness is enhanced by recalling my mother standing in that place of prayer for my own children when they were growing up. This was so encouraging to read! Thank you!!

  • Blessed be the Name of the Lord. Blessings through those you love and from the ones who love you so. Grandparents are precious as they pray, as they raise grandchildren more and more, as they are who they are to their grandchildren. That relationship is so different and so very special.
    Blessings all over the place, Ifeoma.

    • 9 years ago

    I'm not a grandparent yet, but so look forward to those days, Ifeoma. Especially in the light of what you've shared about your grandmother here. What a privilege it is to pray for our children and grandchildren and teach them the power that there is in prayer. Thanks so much for sharing your inspiring and miraculous story of the healing prayers of your grandmother!

  • I was and still am a praying mother and now a praying grandmother. A wonderful story shared here.

  • I really believe in the power of intercession. And what power an intercession from grandmothers are!

  • I am a grandmother of three boys, ages 11, 9, and 6. Thank you for your encouraging post.

  • What a powerful legacy your grandmother is leaving! I didn't grow up praying aloud with family but my husband and I do with our children, at meals and before bed. And I pray I can one day teach prayers to my grand babies! Long way off but a day I hope for.

  • Wonderful post! Neither of my grandmothers were Christians, but I am so glad that my daughters will grow up with Christian grandmothers (my mom and mother-in-law) who pray for them. I'll pass this post along to them!

  • Ifeoma,
    What a precious story of your grandmother. Oh, if only every child had a praying Grandmother like her, right? Our world would truly be a different place. Praying makes all the difference. Living out our faith makes such a difference. Loving God, our families, and others makes such a difference. Thank you for these hope-filled reminders of the difference we can make for generations to come! And thank you for linking this post up with me at #MomentsofHope!

    • 9 years ago

    Your grandma sounds like a special lady. I'm not a grandma yet but I'm already thinking about the grandma that I want to be someday- and that's, most certainly, going to be a praying grandma!

    • 9 years ago

    Being a grandmother is a long way off for me and I never knew either of mine. Thank you for this perfect picture of what this relationship can look like! Blessings, liz

  • Powerful prayers are heard and answered, and God does listen to Grandmothers (and mothers too.) This is such a sweet story of God healing you as your Grandmother prayed. Thank you for sharing with us here at Tell me a Story.

  • Thank you for sharing this beautiful, and timely post! We just found out that we are expecting Grandbabies #6 & #7 later this winter! What a Blessing it truly is to be able to pray over each one of them; and what a double blessing when they turn around and pray for me too! I am your neighbor over at #TellHisStory, and I am so glad I stopped by here. Blessings to you today!

  • Oh how I miss what you are describing for our boys, and myself for that matter. There are no grandmothers around for our boys. And I never had a grandmother that lived for us, that lived to leave a legacy or live to build us up. But what you are writing about here sure is an encouragement that I can live to be that, one day (boys are teenagers so please not yet 😉 Thank you for sharing how it can be!!

  • What a beautiful testimony and legacy! Could there be a greater gift a grandmother could give? Such an encouraging post. So glad to be your neighbor at #TellHisStory.

  • My grandma's prayers bless me today. She was the one who comforted me when I was sick, prayed over me, and anointed my head. Missing her still. But thank you, Ifeoma, for reminding me of her legacy and to be intentional with the footsteps I leave behind.

  • What a powerful post. I miss my grandparents. they are in heaven now praying for me. Thanks for allowing me an opportunity to remember all the good times with them. I hope I am as loving a Meme to my grands now. 😉

    • 9 years ago

    What a blessing to have a grandmother like that! May I walk in those same footsteps… Thank you for sharing with us on the Art of Home-Making Mondays at Strangers & Pilgrims on Earth! 🙂

  • There's nothing like the prayer of a grandmother! Thank you for that reminder as I pray for my sweet grands. Blessings to you!

  • Ifeoma, thank you for sharing your heart-warming story about your dear grandmother…what a powerful inspiration to me and all of us who are grandmothers. My Daddy had Typhoid Fever when he was 13 and he nearly died…he, too, spoke of the powerful prayers of his dear grandmother…God is at work in us grandmothers…oh, that we could submit and surrender to the authority of the Holy Spirit in the innermost part of us, praying in the Spirit for our loved ones…many blessings to you sweet friend ❤️

  • As I read I cried over this story…I want to be that Grandma who prays over her grandchildren even more than I do now. Such an inspiration!

  • I love this post, Ifeoma! I have 13 grandchildren. I pray for them, but probably not as much as I should. You've inspired me to actually set up a plan to pray consistently for them. I do have conversations sometimes and try to answer their questions about God. One of my granddaughters actually asked me why I always talk about
    God in my blog posts, so it was a great opportunity. I love them dearly and desire for them to know God as I do. Thank you for sharing at #LMMLinkup! I'm also your neighbor at Us, Coffee and Jesus, Winter's place. Blessings to you!

  • I'm a grandmother and love to pray for my children and grandchildren. My daughter sends me texts when she's in over her head with the kids and I drop everything and pray!

  • I long to have that impact in my own grandboy's life, to be that praying gram who demonstrates the winsomeness of the Savior!

  • I am not a grandma yet but I do have one son married and the other one will get married in September. My mom used to pray for all her grandkids and I know she was honored to do it. It is a beautiful blessing from God to have people around you carrying you in prayer. Sabbath blessings!

  • Beautiful post, Ifeoma, probably because I am a Mimi who is praying for her granddaughters. I write about them often and pray that I would influence them much to love God & pursue Him from a young age. Blessings!

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