When You Feel Like The Worst Mom Ever!

When You Feel Like The Worst Mom Ever!

Certainly, there was no way of telling it was my little girl that caused so much chaos on the street. Screams and yelling
from the crowd blocked my ears, as I stopped on the pavement to make my next
cross on to the other side of the street.

Madam! Madam! 
It had to be ‘me’as all eyes were fixed on me.
I turned back and what did I see?
What the heck!

It was my own daughter right there in
the middle of the busy road. All the cars, tricycles, motorcycles had stopped
for her to make a cross.
I was in shock and confusion with the
noisy crowd making loud comments. I shut my ears and pulled my daughter to
safety. “What are you doing in the middle
of the road? Why did you follow me?”
I asked her.
I want to make a wee
”…she replied, very oblivious of the panic and chaos
she had caused.
What if the car brakes didn’t hold? 
if the speeding vehicles didn’t see her? 
What would the world think of me?
I was shaken up…swirling thoughts clouded
my sense of consciousness as I hurriedly got us out of the scene.
No one would know I had left her in
the care of a shop owner on the other side of the street.
No one would blame the shop owner because she sneaked out.
None would understand I left her on the other side because it was less busy. 
Would anyone care if I said I did it to protect her?
The street was busy yet the young
child thought it wise to let me know she had to make a wee.
If something had happened, I would
have blamed ‘me’, everyone would have blamed ‘me’ and probably her father would
have a hard time trying to forgive ‘me’!
Deep anguish was upon my heart. I felt
like the worst mother ever.
Gently, I heard the Holy Spirit
“You didn’t
thank me for keeping her safe”…
Wow! “Lord I am sorry…thank you for keeping her safe”. Here I was too
perplexed to think of anything but gratitude!
Have you ever felt like the worst mom
Have you had circumstances that put
you in doubt over your role as a mom?
I have been there too!
That incident taught me that as a mom you
can do everything you can to keep your child safe but safety is indeed of the Lord.

The horse is prepared against the day of battle: but safety is of the Lord. Proverbs 21:31
Sometimes, you take decisions intended to
be in the best interests of your child but unknowingly you are putting them in harm’s
Right under my nose, I would have lost
my kid but God in His infinite mercies kept her safe. His angels shielded her
from impending danger. 

The Lord had turned a seemingly careless mistake for His Glory alone.

There are many devices in a man’s heart; nevertheless the counsel of the Lord, that shall stand.  
Proverbs 19:21

I went from the ‘worst mom’ to the ‘luckiest mom’ ever.
Friend, no matter how hard you try,
you can’t keep your children safe 100% of the time. Remember, even in your
absence the Lord watches over your kids. Don’t fret rather entrust their lives
in his hands for safe keeps.
Do you struggle with being enough as a
Do you feel your child’s heart is far
from home?
Here is a prayer I made for you
Dear Lord,
just as you taught me to lean on your saving arms and loving grace, please hold
this mom’s heart too. Let her know that you deeply love her and you are
watching over her like an eagle. May this mom’s troubled heart rest in your
peace in Jesus name
I strongly recommend you read
Melanie’s book “How to win your Child’s Heart”. It is a beautiful encouragement
for you. *affiliate links*

By His Great Grace,
Ifeoma Samuel

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Comment Update!

Dear friends, I have the habit of visiting you before I
respond here on my blog that way I can keep track of blogging friends I am yet
to visit. 

To keep up with your latest posts, I changed my strategy. Now I visit your blog then respond to very few comments here. 

In case you are wondering why I keep updating you on my progress, for me this is a wonderful community and I respect you all and finally it holds me accountable to you. Haha!! *smiling*

Thanks for your understanding and I appreciate your kindest comments
thus far☺

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  • How scary!!!! I'm so glad she was ok! Yesterday, the kids were playing at the top of the steps and one pushed the other down head first as I was coming around the corner. My daughter's leg got caught in the railing halfway down and kept her from any serious injury. Oh my, I was panicked!!! How beautiful to turn it around to thank God for keeping your daughter safe. I'm doing that right now for what happened to my daughter yesterday. Thank you for sharing this! -Jessica, Sweet Little Ones

  • Wow, that is scary. I'm so glad your little girl was ok. As moms, we all have guilt at some point or another that we're not good enough. It's understandable when we're charged with raising and nurturing little humans, it is an enormous task. Thanks for sharing with Small Victories Sunday Linkup. Pinning to our linkup board and hope you found some great posts to visit this week!

  • Wow, I'm sure that really scared you a lot! I think all of us mothers have had things happen that make us feel like bad mothers but you are right – "That incident taught me that as a mom you can do everything you can to keep your child safe but safety is indeed of the Lord." God is the protector and how we need to remember to look to him with gratitude. I'm thankful he watched over your daughter and thank you for sharing with us, giving all mothers encouragement and hope in God and his provision. Thanks for sharing at #LMMLinkup!

  • Oh, friend! Those moments do happen. Try as we may, we cannot be perfect. Thankfully our God steps in where we cannot. Thank you so much for sharing this hope for all Mamas with us at Moments of Hope! I am so thrilled you are writing more again!
    Blessings and smiles,

  • Oh, friend! Those moments do happen. Try as we may, we cannot be perfect. Thankfully our God steps in where we cannot. Thank you so much for sharing this hope for all Mamas with us at Moments of Hope! I am so thrilled you are writing more again!
    Blessings and smiles,

  • What a difference His perspective makes. From worry to praise, you became a woman of gratitude. So true. Thanks for the reminder to look for God's hand, Ifeoma. : )

  • I had a moment just like that with my son and God showed me how He kept Him safe – I can't all the time, but He can! Thanks for linking up with Grace and truth.

  • I can certainly relate to this. Our son was about 3 or 4 when we arrived at the home where a church party was planned. We parked across the busy street, and were taking the baby out of the car when our son ran across the street before we knew it. He stood on the sidewalk, dancing on one foot and then the other, and looked like he was going to run back to us. A large truck was coming up the hill. I yelled for him to STAY there and DO NOT CROSS the street. Fortunately he obeyed and a very bad accident was prevented. Some things our children do, are really out of our hands, yet we feel responsible. It does not stop as they grow up.
    Thank you for sharing this awesome story.

  • This is so great, Ifeoma. Convicting and encouraging all in one. I certainly struggle with my children's safety and health. I always need reminders that God is ultimately in control no matter how hard I try in my own power. Thank you friend! Definitely sharing!

  • Because I am not a mother, I cannot identify but I can by recalling times when God has brought His wisdom to my heart and made me understand that He did something for me and I was not noticing His grace or mercy or lovingkindness. Yes, He is truly the One to thank in all things.

  • Hi Ifeoma! How are you? I hope you had a fabulous Mother's Day. Don't so many of us moms seem to think that we're doing everything wrong? I've certainly been there. Thanks for writing this reassuring post and crafting a prayer just for us moms to comfort our hearts and remind us of what God's word says. Have a blessed week, my friend.

  • Ifeoma, I like it when God places us as neighbors (#19 at Holley's today). Just remember, God is the great Equipper – dedicate every moment to Him and pray Psalm 91 over these dear ones! xo

  • I homeschool my kids and often wonder if what I have given them are the right things to equip them for the future. My greatest fear is that what I intended for their betterment will be to their detriment and then will become 'worst mother ever' I have to learn that the God who can protect them physically can also equip them emotionally and spiritually as I learn to lean on Him. thanks for the thought provoking post

  • Praise the Lord your baby was kept safe! And what a great reminder to pause and thank God in midst of such a scary moment.

  • So scary!!!! BUT GOD! Right? He kept her safe. We all have moments when we feel like a terrible mother don't we? I'm so thankful for the grace of God!

  • I am thankful your daughter is safe and that God was there all the time. Your story is a great reminder that God is always with us and when we entrust ourselves and our children to Him, He will be there to care for them. Thank you for your words friend!

  • Whew! I'm so glad she was safe. And yes, it's easy to lose sight of the miracle of safety when our hearts are pounding and our emotions roiling at a close call.

    • 8 years ago

    Such timely words, Ifeoma… we all need the reminder to trust to believe to know that He is always seeking our good in all things. I spend too much time letting regret steal what He is providing as a seed of grace. Thank you for turning my eyes the right direction.


  • Thanks for sharing this powerful post! I am so thankful for God covering my mistakes. I could not do motherhood without Jesus. Blessings to you and yours!

  • What a powerful story, Ifeoma. I'm so glad your girl was okay!
    I lost my son once in a park when he was about 3. We searched all over thinking he'd been abducted. He was playing in a ditch. I felt like the worst mom and the most blessed mom all in the same moment.
    Appreciate you sharing the book today!
    You bless me!
    And, I'm looking forward to reading yours!

  • Those heart-stopping moments! And it seems as if all the memories come flooding back around Mother's Day! Thanks for sharing yours.

  • What an important post to share as many will be celebrating Mother's Day and yes, many of us mothers won't necessarily feel like we should be put on a pedestal and celebrated at all. Many times I've felt insufficient. How true – for us to lean completely on God to protect our children and to keep us moms grateful for His sovereign guidance. Thank you for sharing!

  • OO scary, Ifeoma!! So glad the Lord protected her and continues too. And so grateful for the point you make here! Blessings sweet friend #DanceWithJesus

  • You most certainly responded the way I would have responded but God in His grace called out to you. He is so faithful and that's why I need to trust Him more with my little one. thanks for sharing visiting from FMF #9

  • My heart was in my throat as I read your story! Praising God for protecting your darling. If a mom says they've never felt like the worst mom ever, they're lying 🙂 Popping in from Five Minute Friday in the #32 spot.

  • I actually wrote about this very thing this week! My circumstances were a little different, but still made me feel like the Worst Mom Ever. Its amazing how our perspective goes right to what we've done wrong isn't it? I love that your perspective went from self focused to God focused. What a difference that makes! Linking up with you at Grace & Truth today. Have a great weekend!

  • What a well told story! I am a grandmother and still relate to your question. Have you ever felt like the worst mother in the world? Yes, and yes, while I'm concentrating on that question, the miracle of God having my back is going on without my notice.

  • Wow – what a scary moment, but how wonderful that God kept her safe. Don't we all struggle with feeling inadequate as mothers. I know I do! Thanks for this post and the reminder that we don't have to do it all.

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