The heart of her husband safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil Proverbs 31:11
NIV translation says
“He has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value”
I know how hard it is sharing my heart with someone. We know trust is a tough treasure to offer someone. First you have to be sure your heart is safe with that person. This woman does that for her husband. His secrets, his emotions, his plans, his decisions etc. are all safe with his wife.
He finds it easy to be intimate with her. She won’t judge or curse at him. She won’t blackmail his emotions. She is no heart breaker neither does she crush his spirit with her words. She knows her man.
Can your husband trust you enough with his heart?
Is your husband’s heart safe with you?
Scriptures: Proverbs 11:1
Dear Father, help me to be a treasure keeper. Give me the grace to safely keep the treasures of my husband’s heart. I will not be a heartbreaker in Jesus name. Grant my heart wisdom to know how to keep your son’s heart safe in Jesus name.
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