How To Live The Anchored Life
Bible Study

How To Live The Anchored Life

Some years ago while I was still a teen, my aunt gave me a precious necklace. It had a little cross on it which made it all the more special. I always had it on, wore it everywhere. Honestly, I never took it out…

But one day something happened. The precious gift snapped. I was sad and downcast for days.

I thought she would be disappointed when I told her the reason for my long face. She responded with a laugh. “How could you just laugh about it?” I was surprised.

“Never hold tightly to anything”. You will break it. I know you love and respect me but tying it to the chain…it is nothing compared to the love you have.

Her reassuring words instantly set me free from the bondage that held my peace. The chain became an idol instead of the gift it was meant to be.

Do you feel the same way holding on to people, stuff, awards, memories, what are you holding on to?

Is your faith anchored on an object or a person?

Bible Reading: Jeremiah 17: 5-8, Psalm 25:12-14

I like to think that preserving items to save memories is one of the most beautiful gifts we can give ourselves but can I tell you that sometimes that too can be idolism.

What comes before God in your life?

Are you cherishing stuff and people over the Word?

When we hold someone or something so firmly it becomes an obsession. That obsession can suffocate the very thing we hold dearly.

That obsession can break them instead of preserving them.

All through this study we have learnt a great deal about living an Anchored Faith.

What if we held on to God that tightly?

What if we chose to live an anchored life?

Do you see it dear friend, like you, I am done anchoring my faith and hope on people, on stuff or achievements.

How do then you live an Anchored Life?

✔Be Plugged To The Vine. The Anchored woman is plugged to the Vine, not to man-made doctrines, ideologies, creeds and dogmas. Jesus is should be your focus at all time. Never taking your eyes away from Him. 

The Anchored woman is firmly connected to the unmovable and undiluted Word of God.

Do you have time for your Father?

Just the way we are with our children, it is only when we spend time with them, we get to know them. In the same vein, when we, God’s children, spend time with our Heavenly Father we get to know Him intimately.

Never say you know the Father’s heart if we do not know Him.

As we continually spend time in His presence, the Holy Spirit teaches us more and more about the Kingdom.


✔Hold On to every Promise of His Word. Notice what Mary did when she received the angel’s news. She believed. She confessed with her mouth “Be it according to thy Word” (Luke 1:38)

Have you tapped into the promises in Deuteronomy 28:1-13 yet? Our heavenly Father has an unwavering love for us. He has hidden so many rich and deep promises in the Scriptures. It is for us to dig them out and receive them.

The Secret of the Lord belong to those that fear Him Psalm 25:14

God says so, she believes it, not the world, not because the pastor says it but she believes God Himself.

Look up to the cross. All I see is my Anchor, at the cross where salvation, redemption and everything about my faith journey began.  

If you are not anchored in faith, you will be tempted to drawback.


✔Learn to place everything in God’s hand. I can’t keep the people I love. Every stuff on earth is perishable including those I treasure. My care and attention would be better directed by place people securely in the arms of our heavenly Father.. That way I trust God for their lives.

Regardless of what happens around your loved ones you have unshaken faith.

How can you place them in God’s care?

Every time worry creeps in, pray instead for them. Praying continually for loved ones is faithfully trusting God to take care.

Some Qualities of An Anchored Woman

More Bible Reading: Psalm 1 and Psalm 92:19

She delights and meditates on the Word,

She trusts the Lord,

She is planted,

She flourishes,

She is fat with the Word,

She is prospers in whatever she does,

Her faith produces fruit even until her old age, Psalm 92:19

As she goes into different life seasons, she knows the Word for every of those seasons of life. She knows how to tap deep for her soul to be nourished with the nutrients of the Word.

Her heart says Amen to every of God’s Word.

I enjoyed every bit of this study, I hope  you did too. Thank you for everyone who wrote in and shared their testimonies. 


New Bible Study Coming Soon! “How To Overcome The Lies of The Enemy With the Word“. I will be sharing more about this study and others soon.

Summer Bible Study at Good Morning Girls Community starts June 11 on Psalms 1-50.

Lot’s of gracious blessings


  • I love this Ifeoma. Such a great reminder of how much God should be the center of our lives. And He will continue to work in us and through us if we will cling to Him. It’s so easy to get distracted to all the ways life is pulling us, but if I can just shift my focus…

    • Oh Brittany, it’s so good to see you again. And of course living an anchored life should be our desire so we are not moved about with everything going on around us.
      Hearty Blessings to you, Brittany

  • Dear Ifeoma,
    How precious that your Aunt shared such Godly wisdom with you. We can become so easily attached to things without even realizing it. Oh may I keep my heart fixed on Him, and let HIM alone be my anchor. Thank you for these beautiful truths today!

    • So precious to see you here, Bettie. I hope you are resting well during your break?
      God’s Word is our immovable anchor….
      Thank for being a part of this study. Praying God’s blessings upon you and your family.
      Hugs sister!

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