They played and jumped all over the place. Their excitement made my heart flutter with joy not until I peeked into the room. My daughter and her cousin had emptied the contents of the powder container all over the room. From the bedding to the floor, the whole room and everything in it were covered with white including the children.
I stood at the door examining the huge mess. Faced with the decision to either lose it or contain my displeasure gladly, I chose the latter to save my sanity.
Wiped them off their white coatings and did the room cleaning all over again.
Sometimes, we lose it as parents. On the verge of losing our grip, the tempter sneaks in. We are tempted to say negative words out of anger.
The Holy Spirit whisp
ered, “Bless instead”.
A Simple Prayer for every mom at heart: May my lips be filled with God honoring words at all times in Jesus name.
The enemy gloats when we pronounce negativity especially on our life and those directly connected to us. He tries to catch us in our moment of weakness.
What weakness do you struggle with as a mom? Impatient heart. Anger. Discontent.Comparison. Whatever your struggle, dear mom, take heart, you are not alone. The good news is you can overcome it through His Grace.
Do you remember Benjamin’s original name was Benoni. As Rachel travailed through difficult pain, she named her son Benoni but his father stepped in and renamed him Benjamin. We are humans and in many cases we let our feelings, emotions and prevailing circumstances take over our words and actions. Genesis 35:18
Another mom we can learn from is Jabez’s mom. She did the same thing, naming her son after sorrow! Despite the honourable destiny he had, that name stole his peace. 1 Chronicles 4:9
Do you see how powerful what we pronounce over our children is? From the names we call them to what we say often about them affects their lives. There is no midway with words. It is either we are blessing or we are doing the very opposite!
Have you missed it at some point? It is never too late to bless your children. Begin today.
Why should you do it every day? You might wonder. Every waking day we are confronted with an ongoing battle. The enemy never ceases in his attacks. As watchmen over our homes and family, we persevere through prayers.
Now you are reminded your voice over your children is powerful, right there where you are seated do these:
- Cancel every negative word spoken over your children’s lives knowingly or intentionally.
- Open your mouth and pour blessings over your children and your home.
We should be intentional with offering blessings using the scriptures and declaring them over each child.
Learn more about speaking life-giving words over your home.
Let the fruit of your lips be filled with blessings over your children.
As we continue to pray for our children, let us remember we can choose to bless them every day regardless of the situation that presents itself.
More often than we can count our children make mistakes and sometimes offend us. Here’s what to remember, when next you want to say something negative,
- We are put in their lives for a reason. We can fulfill that by loving them unconditionally as God gives us grace to walk in wisdom and love.
- Don’t to complicate matters. We should always remember we have the Word to guide them with the Word.
- Forgive and Bless and correct in love. Don’t make your intentions be misread by your children. Sit down with your kids and authentically explain.
Are you tired of using negative words over your children? Intentionally, pour blessings over them.
Here is a sample of curated from the following scriptures 1Peter2:9, 1 Timothy 4:12, Psalm 127, Psalm 50:15, Deuteronomy 28:1-13
Your child’s name you are a chosen generation. You are loved of the Lord. You are a Godly example. You are a blessing in our home. When you call upon the Lord, He will answer you. You are created unto good works. You are highly favoured. You are a child of obedience. You are blessed and not cursed.
This article is part of the Raising An Esther Generation series. Click here to read all the entries.
By His Great Grace,
Ifeoma Samuel
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