Are you overworked, overwhelmed and weary? Our pilgrims journey is a blend of work, trials and temptations and victory. As we go on we never know what lies ahead of us but come what may we will overcome.
In what place has life got you?
We have seen the importance of being anchored on the Word. The anchor of your life makes you unmoveable and gives you a rock solid faith. From time to time we are faced with mountains of issues like the Israelites we become thirsty for water.
The Lord told Moses to speak to the Rock. The scripture also reveals that Rock is Jesus. As the Psalmist rightly put it when my heart is overwhelmed lead me to the Rock that is higher than I.
Jesus is the Rock of our salvation. When you are overwhelmed remember to speak to the Rock.
I love hymns. Sometimes hymns ushers peace to our troubled heart and when I am weary, I’d love to sing them. One of such hymns that reminds us of the is “Rock of ages cleft for me, Let me hide myself in thee”. It resonates perfectly with our toady’s study.
What are you standing on?
Bible Study: Numbers 20:7-12
Have you ever stood on slippery ice before?
Standing on slippery ice is trusting someone or something more than you trust your God. It is putting all your heart to what the world system tells you.
But to stand on the Rock means to stand on the truth of the Word.
When the enemy whispers lies, deceit and condemnation you stand your ground against everything contrary to God’s word.
What lies has the enemy told you? Don’t feed on them. Cancel and declare what the scripture says over those lies.
Those lies creep in unawares through our thoughts, other people’s thoughts echoed through their words and actions.
What if we hear and spoke the truth over our lives?
What if we arm ourselves with what God says over what the newsfeed says?
What do you stand on when life’s troubles echoes louder than your own voice?
I pray healing words that the Word heals the wounds inflicted by negativity and lies.
Lord, help me to stand firmly on your Word. Help me to love you deeply. Help me to trust you as my life depends on it in Jesus name.
There are many references to the rock and the stone in the Bible. All of which make clear reference to Jesus. Here a few of them.
It is Jesus all the way as the Chief Cornerstone Ephesians 2:20
The Rock that followed the children of Israel, the same Rock that gave them water to drink was Jesus 1 Corinthians 10:4
Jesus is the Living Stone so precious. All those that believe on Him are lively stones and will not be confounded. But for those who do not believe He is the stumbling stone and stone of offense 1 Peter 2:4-8
You see, that’s where the wise woman builds, on the Rock. Matthew 7:24
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