Hope For The Girl Afraid to Dream Again

Hope For The Girl Afraid to Dream Again

She did not pick my calls. Neither did she return them.

Her face was in my head. Something was not right.

I got to the complex drove past her store. The doors were flung opened.

Finally, I get to see her, I thought.


Her faint smile betrayed her struggles.

Life was undoing her.

Shamed by these dreams.

She spoke about giving up on her childhood dreams.

She caved in to the idea that it was never meant to be hers.

She became afraid of championing the stage of the dream.

You see that day, I knew it wasn’t mere coincidence.

This meeting was not about her, God was dealing with me.

I got angry. ‘How can you throw all these away, you are being selfish?’

Harsh? But honestly that was my response.


That tug in heart reminded me, I was doing the very same thing!

I had real life battles of mine.

Afraid of the dream itself.

It seemed overwhelming impossible.

Every step felt huge and heavy dragging me to fall backwards.

My heart floundered.

But I know the dream. In fact, I penned it down, rehearsed the words and peeked into the script.

Disappointments made me scared to dream again.

Sometimes, Life will ask, if you really want those dreams.

It questions your tenacity

It tests your hunger for it

Nothing in life should make you give up hope.

A Hopeless Life is not worth Living

Just when I thought the word ‘Impossible’, I chose to dream again.

All the hardships we face teach our hearts patience, hope and courage.

Patience to wait.

Hope to have.

Courage to take.

All those aspirations began to be concrete one after the other.

Now I find myself stretching the dreams.


Are you afraid to dream?


Your failures should never threaten the faith you have.

I learnt during those times, not only does misery have company, it was drowning those dreams.

Don’t let worry and misery comfort you in hard times.


Are you afraid to dream again?

Do you think you will fall flat on your face again?


I dare say that, not dreaming at all is empty, aimless and purposeless.

Dreams wake you up in the morning.

Every air you draw in smells of fresh hope

They kiss your face with opportunities.

Hope is not to trust in yourself.

Hope is to trust in the dream-giver.

When you rely on ‘self’, you experience insufficiency.


Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God; 2 Corinthians 3:5

You cannot hold up on your own. You can’t do life this way. It’s not going to function as it should.

O Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps. Jeremiah 10:23

Every failed experience draws me to fully lay my trust in the Lord.

Think of all those years Abraham waited for the Child of Promise. Think about how each month each passing year must have felt.

Now compare with the fulfilment of the dream.

Those failed experiences made layers and layers of thick, sturdy faith. A faith that stood unshaken.

A faith in the God of the Dream

Trust in the Dream-giver.

Confidence in the God of Hope

Are you still afraid to dream?

Are you afraid your dream would get turned down again?

Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost. Romans 15:13

Look up to the One who has placed it in your heart.

Trust Him and Him alone.


Dear Jesus, forgive me fo relying in myself…forgive me for ever thinking I could do this dream without you. Lord I surrender to you the God of Hope. I lift my hands up. Fill me with the courage I need to press on. Help me to see the dreams the way you see them ‘possible and achievable’. Thank you Jesus for the grace to move on and not give up in Jesus name Amen.

  • Thanks so much for sharing this lovely post at Booknificent Thursday on Mommynificent.com! Just fyi, I have a really hard time reading your posts because of the share bar on the left side. It covers about half an inch of the text as I scroll through. I use Google Chrome on a MacBook which might make a difference, but I thought you might want to know about it.

    • Thanks Tina, Thank you for letting me know.
      I will do my best to move them to else where.
      Blessings to you

  • Felt my spirit saying YES throughout this post Ifeoma! I think we are often afraid to dream because we are afraid of failing or think we don’t actually deserve the dream. And I love the way God brings situations and people into our lives to help bring us to where He needs us to listen to Him. You are doing a great thing here my friend!

  • oh … my words of greeting vanished and left my address instead which you can please delete above!

    anyway, I am delighted our paths have crossed today over the weeks and miles that have separated us. i hope you are well and pray God’s blessings on your day, friend!

    • I can’t figure out why this is happening. I do appreciate your patience in retyping it 🙂
      Yes, it’s being a while. I was able to stop by your blog today…thanking God for your 10 year anniversary, Linda.
      Blessings to you

  • It clicked through to your post just because of the title. This is exactly what God has been bringing me through in the past year and a bit. I had been afraid to dream for a long time because I thought if I dreamed and it didn’t work out, then I would be setting myself up for disappointment. How I’ve hated disappointment. I’m learning, though, it’s okay to be disappointed sometimes. But I want to step out and kick fear in the teeth and say “no more will I allow fear to hold me back.” Blessings!

    • Dream is a good thing!
      It takes courage to step up even after a disappointment.
      But with God we never giveup.
      Holding your hands friend in prayers..
      God Bless Rosanna

    • 7 years ago

    this comes to me as a blessing, your courage…

    I thought that I have to give up these dreams since the Lord does not want them…
    but now I prefer to say… help me, Jesus. Because a beautiful dream which is for your glory too will make me not only happy but also humble and grateful…

    our destiny is making us a better person. Being someone who runs away from dreams will make us a sad version of ourselves… I do not need to choose the first place or the last… just… mine

    with all my love and prayer… please pray for me since shadows, sadness, and fear, they are my everyday bread but also God’s great love and many possibilities… as if someone wanted to destroy me totally… and God tried to show me that this will not happen… even if you just say one word in prayer for me I will be very happy…


    • Dear Agna, God is the dream giver. As you surrender those beautiful dreams and lay them at His feet…He will bring them to pass….All you need do is believe and obey Him. Say Yes to what the Lord asks you to do. Trust Him for provision and all that you will need.

      I pray for you with all my heart that God lifts you out of every obstacles that attempts to drown you in Jesus Name. I pray that every tears and sorrows in your heart be replaced by peace and joy and that you see God miraculously in the midst of that case. May He uphold your hand and lead you to the place He has prepared for you in Jesus Name. Amen

      God bless, Agna

  • I love the post, but even more, I love your own testimony of holding on to hope in spite of obstacles! Blessings, friend.

  • Love being a dreamer…but love being more of a doer these days. Definitely hard work but soooooo worth it. Half of realizing a dream is the journey it takes to make it come to fruition. Thanks for sharing!

  • The “Fierce Hope Series.” WOW. If there is one thing I need more of right now, it’s fierce hope. Thank you for giving me a new, true phrase to use in my battle to take every thought captive, Ifeoma! Stopping by from Grace & Truth!

  • I loved reading your words. To dream again is often a difficult thing to do, but with God as my dream-giver, I’m ready.
    My favorite line: “Hope is to trust in the dream-giver.” Thanks for sharing your heart and encouraging mine.

  • I love this: “Hope is not to trust in yourself. Hope is to trust in the dream-giver.” It does take courage to pursue our dreams, especially when it takes longer than we hoped, but it is so important to keep our eyes on God and remember that if the dream is from him he will fulfil it in his time.

  • Let us continue to dream and to believe.
    Thanks for spreading hope!

  • Love the encouragement to dream again, Ifeoma! It can be hard to press through the fears and discouragement. Praying we are faithful with God’s call! ((Hugs))

    • 7 years ago

    I believe dreams are tools God uses to mold and shape us. What an honor to be called to partner with His power to make possible what I cannot do on my own! I’ve got a dream series going on right now, too! Blessings!

  • Hardships are grand teachers, aren’t they? Patience, hope, courage and so much more. — This phrase of yours stood apart as I was reading: “Don’t let worry and misery comfort you in hard times.” So true how we falsely “comfort” ourselves with misery. That satan never misses a beat, does he? Thank you for this encouragement to challenge the perceived failures in light of the God-given dreams. — So glad the timing finally worked out for you to join #ChasingCommunity, Ifeoma. 🙂 I’m still trying to tweak the timing so it works well for all, so please let me know if it still needs some tweaking for you, friend. 🙂 ((hug))

  • Ifeoma,
    Your blog title resonated with me as did your post. It takes courage to dream again and to keep our hope in the Dream Giver, God, and to trust His timing. Blessings to you as you follow His dream for your life 🙂

  • Dear Ifeoma,
    Oh, this thought jumped right at me: “Don’t let worry and misery comfort you in hard times.” It’s so easy to fall into that trap! Thank you for the good reminder to pay attention to where my comfort is coming from! Only Jesus brings comfort into the hard places, and brings HIS hope right there too! –Blessings!

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