This month I would be tackling various issues
around personal life failures. It is one thing to experience a personal failure
and yet another to get back in the game without feeling that you are a failure.
launch month. Yay! I am excited to write all this month for just you, friend.
the video, I share three principles that have helped my personal life. And how
to utilise them.
The New Book “Overcome Failure; Get Back On YourFeet” is power packed and if you are struggling with feeling like a failure or
you know someone who does, this is a perfect fit.
Read all about the Book >>Here<<,
and get your free companion study too.
Order your own copy >>Here<<
This post is part of the book launch for the New Book…you are more than welcome to visit every week through out the month of August for more exciting and encouraging articles.
For all the information you need about the book >>Go HERE<<
Please note I will keep the page updated. You can bookmark it. Ok?
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I invite you to join Good Morning Girls Online Bible Study on facebook if you don’t have any. We begin our study in the Book of James on the 1st of August. Join us more >>HERE<<
If you are visiting for the first time have access to all the free eBooks when you subscribe. Wonderful isn’t it?
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Dear friends, I have the habit of visiting you before I
respond here on my blog that way I can keep track of blogging friends I am yet
to visit.
To keep up with your latest posts, I changed my strategy. Now I visit your blog then respond to very few comments here.
In case you are wondering why I keep updating you on my progress, for me this is a wonderful community and I respect you all and finally it holds me accountable to you. Haha!! *smiling*
thus far☺
I love reading your comments and visiting you too!
So, dear friends, if you find leaving a comment challenging, please try using the anonymous option but fill your name and contact after your comments.
You can also try using Name and URL option too. If you are a blogger, please add your links in URL or comments so I can stop by too!
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