3 Unusual Reasons to Read Books from New Authors and Linkup

3 Unusual Reasons to Read Books from New Authors and Linkup

friends, I am glad to be a Guest host for Literacy
Musings linkup
 hosted by
these four awesome ladies,  Mary HillAshley
Leslie and Tami
musings linkup party is a great way to meet new blogging friends, read exciting
book reviews and find more books for your library. I invite you to join these
ladies every Monday!
There are
many of us who would rather stick to the good old authors we enjoy. This is
good in a way but limiting in the broader sense.
As a
blogger, I am privileged to read resources from upcoming and fantastic writers.
Sincerely, I do not subscribe to the idea of “Away with the Old, bring on the
New.” You know why? Very soon today’s new will become the
classics and all those beautiful writings and ideas will take the
back seat!
As a writer,
getting feedback from those who choose to read my book is very encouraging. 

Every writer craves to etch a good legacy that will live on, pass a remarkable
message, and leave an audience wanting more of her writing.
As much as I
equip my library with materials from veteran writers, I engage in discovering
newbies. This way, I have a blend of both to enjoy and enhance my life.
Why should
you read books from new writers?
As I mentioned before, every writer is
blessed when someone encourages them through buying, reading and leaving a
thoughtful note *if you can.*
You can never know how much potential a new writer
has until you turn a page of her book. If she grows better, you know how
she began as a writer.  Plus, you have someone new to follow and
enjoy which makes you a better fan.
 Here is a secret for you, friend. If you are
interested in writing a book yourself, a great place to start off is reading
and studying books from new authors who write similarly to you. They tweak
your thoughts and make you a better writer too!
Now your
turn friends, have I managed to convince you to buy from a newbie. Do you
have more reasons about why you would read a book from a new writer? Please
share in the comments below.
Meet Your Hosts

Now let’s move on to our weekly linkup and

Ashley @Circling the Story


Leslie@Forever Joyful


Mary @Maryandering Creatively

Blog/Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest/ Instagram/Google+

Tami @ThisMomsDelight

Blog/Facebook/Pinterest/Twitter/Instagram/Google Plus

Last Week’s Top Clicked Post!

Why I Don’t Read to My Baby

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Leslie’s posts are always so informative and thought-provoking! This post is no different. Her post about why she doesn’t read to her youngest child also created great discussion and receive lots of comments. Be sure to check it out.

Last week, we added a new feature of each host choosing their own favorite post to share. My favorite post from this past week’s linkup was:


What I loved about this post is the nostalgia Candy shared of reading to her children through the years as her children grew up. I really recommend this post. She shares a lot of great resources too.
Be sure to visit the other co-host pages to see if your post was selected as one of their favorites for the week!
Want to be the next to be featured! Just link up a post and if you are read the most, we will feature you. Also please make sure you link back to us so others will know about our link up and join in. We try to make it worth your while to linkup with us by promoting your posts across our social media networks. We also pin your posts to our Pinterest Board!

Follow Mary Hill’s board Literacy Musing Mondays Linkup on Pinterest.

Literacy-Musing-Mondays- graph

Now, it is time to link up to the Literacy Musing Mondays hop! You will have until Saturdays at 12 p.m. now to link up! So come back often. :)


Linkup Rules:

  1. Include a link back or the blog hop button linked to this hop on your posts.
  2. Link up the urls to your posts not to your blog.
  3. Please remember this is a family-friendly linkup. Although we believe in the right for adults to read whatever they want to read, we prefer to read wholesome posts that feature literature that edify and uplift families. We reserve the right to delete any posts that are not family friendly. We love all kinds of literature and genres including family-friendly inspirational romances, fantasy, or science fiction. We do not welcome anything with excessive violence, sexual content, or cursing. These posts will be deleted.
  4. We also want to be loving community by supporting one another. Please make a point to do this this week! Visit the post next to yours and at least one other blogger’s post of your choice! I want to see lots of clicks on everyone’s posts. I know as a blogger, you know how it feels not receive comments, right. Spread the comment love this holiday season. 🙂 Remember it is also nice to follow them on their social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook.
  5. Follow your hosts and co-hosts on their social media.
  6. Tweet about the link up too.

[tweetthis]Come join the fun! Link up your family-friendly, book- or literacy-related posts at #LMMLinkup![/tweetthis]

  • I am so excited to see you as a Guest Host on Literacy Musing Monday! That is a wonderful link party. Thanks for sharing your amazing post with #SocialButterflySunday! It is good to get know new authors. Hope to see you link up again this week 🙂

    • Thank you Kelly, for your encouragement.
      God Bless

    • 9 years ago

    I totally agree with you on this, Iofeonna! You never know: today's "newbie" may be tomorrow's classic author 🙂
    We also appreciate you featuring us! Candy and I are big readers, and although she's blogging, working, going to school AND still homeschooling (yikes!) she still manages to read to her teens!! She inspires me…
    Thanks for heading over to Coffee & Conversation this week!!

  • It is good to give support to new authors, especially if they are someone you know. Thank you for sharing with us here at Tell me a Story.

  • I too love reading from new authors!! Thank you for sharing on the Faith Filled Parenting LinkUp. Where do I find the button for your party??

  • I like to try a new author, sometimes, newness is like change – it's hard for me. While I normally stick with those I know, there are so many wonderful authors just waiting to be given a chance. It's easier for me to read a new author because they have been recommended. I think if more people would recommend an author, the business of writing would be a lot easier for those who are in the process of publishing books. I hope one day someone will take a chance on my book when it is completed. Thanks for this tips, Ifeoma, and for linking up with Thankful Thursdays.

    • I understand Lori. As new people in the business deserve a chance too.
      Thanks friend.

  • Hey Iofeoma, great to neighbor with you at Deb's place today. I tried to come by the other day, and your site wouldn't resolve for me. Not sure if it was on my end, or yours, but glad to connect today. 🙂 Thanks for the reminder to support new authors. I love it when someone new comes along that I can "get to know" (don't we always feel like we "know" authors after reading their books? 🙂 ). Hope your weekend is blessed. (( xoxo ))

    • I hope the site issue is sorted out!
      I am not so techy. Thanks for informing me.
      Thanks for joining in today.
      God Bless, Brenda

  • I agree with you totally. I have had the chance to recently review a new author's book and I had written one myself for the first time. So I know how valuable this is and how reviews and comments are encouraging!

    • I hear you, Alice.
      Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this.
      Blessings to you

  • I love reading new authors! I hope you can stop by:



    • Thank you Colletta. I did visit.
      God Bless

  • Thanks for the link-up! There are some very interesting posts here!

  • I totally agree! I love learning about new authors and checking their books out! <3

  • I appreciate your words and thoughts on reading new authors, and am cheering loudly with a Yes and Amen! thanks for linking up at #CoffeeforYourHeart

  • Ifeoma, I appreciate this post so much as I have several friends who are up and coming writers; and just as God has gifted the classic writers, He is still gifting writers today! We would miss the blessing, if we stuck to those authors we are familiar with.

    Thanks for spurring us on to spread our reading wings.

    Blessings to you my friend. 🙂

  • Hey Ifeoma,
    Found your post today on Alder Collective! Always grateful to "run" into you!
    I agree that it's always a stretching and a learning process to read and get to know new authors. And, it's a joy when you connect with one that you really love!
    Hope you have a blessed day~

    • Thank you for joining us here, friend. I am happy seeing you.
      God Bless

  • There is so much to be gained by reading new authors! I love finding new great writers.

  • I love reading, and writing, so I'm always so happy to discover new authors and support them. I'm always finding good reads when I step out of my "normal" favorites. Thanks for your thoughts!

  • Very good thoughts! I always like to find new authors to read as well. Sometimes I get stuck in a rut with the same ones, and then I know even more that it is time to check out someone new. Thanks for the post!

    • I hope you find time to, Miranda. You will like the new adventure.
      Blessings to you

  • Great post. I am for anything that encourages people do more reading. New authors add a new perspective on subjects in nonfiction and create new worlds for us to live in books of fiction. Let's make room for the newbies.

  • Reading and writing go hand in hand so you can't have one without the other. Reading all kinds of books an authors teaches us how to become better at writing ourselves.

    I love these words today… "Every writer craves to etch a good legacy that will live on, pass a remarkable message, and leave an audience wanting more of her writing." Amen!

    Blessings on your week!

    • Yes friend. We can spend hours reading and not know where all the time went *laughs*
      Thanks friend. God Bless

  • I've also started reading new authors when I can, Ifeoma, to encourage them, to learn, and to help promote their books. We're all in this together, and partnership is important! Blessings on your new linkup!

  • Ifeoma- I'm grateful that you so often read and encourage a young, new writer like myself. Thanks for also encouraging myself and others to do the same! There are a lot of "old" classics out there, but a lot of "new classics too!!

    • Hi Bethany, thank you for your words. It means a lot to me!
      God Bless, friend

  • I'm always game to try a new author (especially now that I understand that it's ok to NOT keep reading if the book or story aren't holding my attention). You're right–everyone deserves a fair chance!

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