She riseth also while it is yet night and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to maidens. Proverbs 31:15
Let’s ponder a while.
What kind of food would a woman get up at night to prepare? Whether spiritual or physical food the virtuous woman is diligent and busy in her spiritual kitchen. Cooking up prayers and serving the Word to children.
She had maidens and waiting women. She is a leading woman. She cared for those who worked with her. She did not ignore them or treat them badly. This woman gave a portion from the physical/spiritual dish to her maidens too.
Do you care for others who work in your household or office?
Do you take time to cover your staff or others who live with you in prayers?
Spiritually, are you feeding your children with healthy portion of the Word?
Father, help me to be busy in the spiritual kitchen. I pray for all those who work with me in my household, in ministry and in the workplace. I pray for relatives who also reside in my home. Father, pour out your grace upon their lives and meet them in their needs in Jesus name.
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