The Danger of Partial Obedience
Bible Study Devotions

The Danger of Partial Obedience

Bible Study: Genesis 19: 10-29

Escape to the mountain…but he chose a small city, Zoar.

Did He obey?

At least he left Sodom, we would say but that was Partial Obedience.

He sought permission to do less than perfect instruction.

Comfort is cheap.

It is permissible but not perfect.

The spotless Bride is Jesus coming for.

Not the one stained with flesh spots and

Not the one rumpled all over with guilty pleasures 

Or mingled with the sin soaked world.

The ‘Lot Bargains’ wants it easy. It wants it quick and cheap.

Lot’s Bargain was Compromise.

We need to avoid the Lot’s kind of Bargain because on the long run we will loss everything.

Do you see how far Lot’s Bargain drove Him?

Remember, Lot still lingered and the angels had to take him out.

Yet he did not hesitate to negotiate for a smaller place… He saw small instead of the Big.

And while he lingered, the men laid hold upon his hand, and upon the hand of his wife, and upon the hand of his two daughters; the Lord being merciful unto him: and they brought him forth, and set him without the city.  Genesis 19:16

Partial Obedience never takes you anywhere.

Instead, it leaves you stranded and exposed to sin. (read the later part of the Genesis 19).


Wait a minute! Do you know we do this all the time?

We make Lot’s Bargain every time

we choose the ourselves or world over the Word.

Those times when we feel it is easier to say,

“Oh, it’s my choice before what the Lord says”

“I would do this first before I yield”

Remember those times when it is easier to do our will before seeking God’s Will? 


Do you know that city Zoar was also marked for destruction! But Lot’s choice of going there saved it…


Here I begin to wonder why he thought God was not faithful enough to take Him to the Mountain.

If God is faithful to take you out of Sodom,

He is more than enough

to take you to the Mountain 

Recall, we spoke about the spiritual significance of the mountain, The Mount Zion.

To catch up Click HERE to read When Mercy Speaks

The Mountain, that’s where our hiding place is. That’s why I love the Book of Psalm 91 that speaks about the dwelling place of the Lord.


For Lot, it was his self-convenience, lust for easy life and doubt getting in the way of God’s agenda. 

Do you remember why Lot chose Sodom in the first place?

Aha! you see it, the thirst for pleasure, the desire for worldly goods, the hunger for comfort.

For King Saul it was His ego…His need to please

Related Article: The Danger of People Pleasing


Need I remind us again that for a spotless bride will He come.

Not one with a little tinny bitty spot! Nope!

Following the cross is a heavy price but not as weighty as the eternal damnation of sin. It doesn’t even come close.

We may be afflicted, tortured, persecuted,

or even killed but

the cross before us signifies an eternal hope.

If all of our salvation was for earthly pleasures then our sacrifice has been for naught.

If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. 1 Corinthians 15:19

But that’s not the case our Hope is for the city made without hands.

An eternal place of rest.

To the wedding of we go.

Be ready, be clean for the Groom arrives for His bride.

Not for those who drive a bargain like Lot. But for all who will lay down their self-will for God’s Will.


Ponder a while on these questions.

Are you escaping to the mountain?

Are you willing to give full obedience to the instruction?

Are you heeding to God’s instruction completely?

Today’s Prayer 

Dear Lord, I repent of every disobedience including partial obedience. Lord, help me to fully surrender to you. Help me to live a life of full obedience in Jesus name. Sweet Lord, let my heart desire you over all the pleasures of the world. Let my soul thirst for you more than the comfort of sin. Dear Father, let my will be forever swallowed up in Your will for my life in Jesus name. Amen

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  • Lovely and meaningful post. Visiting from #twinklytuesday

  • Thanks for sharing this encouraging yet challenging post at Booknificent Thursday on this week!

  • This is my prayer too: “Lord, help me to fully surrender to you.” Easier said than done, but with the grace of God we can get closer.

    • Amen my dear Lisa….
      Hope your Easter went well

  • Thank you so much. I needed to read this. We all, I think.
    Have a nice day.

    • 8 years ago

    It is easier to see this in our kids or in another adult, but we definitely sometimes find ourselves unwilling to completely surrender our will to Him.
    Please, Lord, forgive us and help us to love You more than all of these other things. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  • What an important lesson to learn…. I remember Elizabeth Elliot emphasizing, “Delayed obedience is disobedience!” So true.

  • Thanks for writing this. I’ve written on the subject before, that partial obedience is disobedience. And yet, I struggle. The Lord was bringing something to mind as I was reading.

  • Partial obedience is disobedience … What if Christ had only ‘partially’ obeyed .. I’d say we’d all be in a lot of trouble! Great post, I am your neighbor today at Thoughtful Thursdays link up; God bless you, He is RISEN!

  • So true- it’s easy to fall into partial obedience, looking for ease and comfort rather than fully obeying what God has called us to do. Thank you for this challenge.

  • Thank you for reminding us we need to have complete obedience. You have me left me thinking about something God took me to and how I may be trying to squirm out of it by changing it to a partial obedience. Need to take it to prayer. Thank you.

  • I tell my children that partial obedience is disobedience, but I need to remember that, too. Thank you for this reminder. I’m so glad you shared it with us at Encouraging Word Wednesday this week! Blessings to you this Easter week!

  • Dear Ifeoma,
    Oh what convicting words you share here. I think this partial obedience is something that is so easy to fall into: thinking we’ve “done our duty” by taking the first step only. But He wants our whole heart following Him! This especially touched me today:
    “If God is faithful to take you out of Sodom,
    He is more than enough
    to take you to the Mountain ”
    Oh, may I continue to trust Him, through each step, just as I did at the first.
    Bless you this Easter Season!

  • Ifeoma, this is a haunting post, but so necessary for all who want to live the following life.
    Thanks for making the effort to put this all into words.

  • Hi Ifeoma, my dear neighbor over at Holley’s link up! What a thoughtful and sobering post. We need this reminder to not obey partially. As I was reading, I wonder how many times in my life I’ve observed God’s direction partially…and possibly didn’t even know it. Oh my. But our God is so merciful, leading us by the hand and helping us even in our partial obedience, as he did for Lot and his family. What a God we serve!

    Thanks for sharing, my friend over in Nigeria!
    Have a blessed Resurrection Sunday!

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