Welcome to Day 19 of Overcome Anger Bible Study. Want to get more studies like this inbox? Sign Up HERE
Key Scriptures: Galatians 5:16-25, Romans 8:10-14
I had a gentle nudge all day. All I needed to say was a “no”. When we got in a little accident, I remembered the nudge. I was upset. Had I listened, I would have avoided this situation completely.
Can you relate with this story?
The Spirit-Led Life
Many believers can’t understand how they can trust the Lord in every area of their lives. Yet we struggle with consequences from poor decisions. Like me, perhaps more than once you have dispelled good advice and swapped it for disobedience.
Journal Prompt
How many times have you ignored the nudge of the Holy Spirit?
Head knowledge versus The Holy Spirit. Can you tell the difference?
Do you recognise the Shepherd’s voice?
God speaks to us every day. The Holy Spirit dwells in us to instruct, to guide and to teach. We are either too busy to listen or too doubtful to obey.
How does this relate to anger and angry situations? See Galatians 5:20
What if we took time to ask the Lord before we made critical decisions? Recall in our previous study we saw how David enquired from the Lord for counsel.
One thing is common to all the healing steps we discussed throughout our Bible study. It is the power of the Holy Spirit. As we read through, we see how these attitudes perfectly connect with the fruit of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer.
The fruit of the Holy Spirit is the evidence of the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. As we let God work on our hearts through the Holy Spirit and the Word, we are replacing all the flesh characters and taking up the nature of Christ.
Do you have the baptism of the Holy Spirit upon your life?
Jesus knew that we cannot walk the narrow path on our own. We have no power of our own. Without the help of the Holy Spirit we are weak and easy preys to the enemy.
How can we live Christlike lives if we don’t have the Holy Spirit?
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God Romans 8:14
There is beauty in surrender. There is peace when we surrender to the Lord.
Study the scriptures John 14:17 – 26, John 16: 13-14.
What is the best thing to do in the moment of confusion?
Pause. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you into making the right decisions.
In unexpectedness, we err easily because our thinking frame may be clouded with varying emotions like helplessness, defeat, victim, disappointment, anger, shock, confusion and such alike.
When we surrender our feelings in exchange for His peace, the Lord makes a way in that difficulty.
Journal Prompt
Are you ready to surrender the uncontrollable and the unexpected to the Lord?
Are you willing to obey and follow His instruction?
Prayer Prompt: Ask for the filling up of the Holy Spirit in your life. Let this be a daily desire to walk in His steps.
What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the Life of a believer?
Study through John 15:5, John 14:16-17 Acts 2:13, Colossians 3:16 and Ephesians 5:18
Are you willing that the Lord leads you today?
How can you be Spirit-led every day?
Say out loud, “Holy Spirit, lead me”.
What a sweet surrender it is lifting our hands fully dependent on His grace for each day.
Three Simple Morning Routine to Help you
a) Speak into your day. Declare gentleness and calm in your life. What we say and believe with our heart matters.
b) Meditate on God’s goodness. Choose thankfulness. Thankfulness goes hand in hand with a joyful life.
c) Surrender to the Holy Spirit. Hand over the control of your life to the Holy Spirit daily. Surrender your emotions and responses
This is a helpful practice that helps you put God first and intentionally live a Spirit-led life.
Over time, I have seen visible and tangible changes in my life. I am seeing calmness and peace in my responses. God is teaching my heart wisdom and He can do the same for you too, friend.
Going forward take note of other triggers. Add them to your routine prayer first thing in the morning. It may seem slow, but changes eventually happen.
In unexpected moments, where your heart races and feel that anger rising, make this simple prayer or similar one.
“Holy Spirit, blow your peace over my soul. Take control of this situation now” in Jesus name.
Prayer: Lord, fill me with your Holy Spirit. Teach me, guide me and pour out your grace upon my soul. Speak to my heart, Lord. Help me to listen and obey Your Word in Jesus name.
I created this tool to help you get intentional in your War Room. Praying strategic prayers over difficult situations can be life-changing.
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- 7 Days Guided Prayer from the study
- 7 Devotional Summary based on the Bible Study
- Scriptures for your War Room
- Journalling Space
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