Bible Study on 1Samuel Part2
Bible Study

Bible Study on 1Samuel Part2

I Samuel 2 part 2 This is an excerpt from this week’s GMG online Bible study on 1 Samuel 6-10. Get the full PDF download with reflections, prayers and study plan for free>>HERE<<

If you missed the 1 Samuel 1-5 article go here or simply >>Download <<

Do you know why the hand of God was so heavy on the Philistines all the days of Samuel?

Because he was an Intercessor


Ponder on This:

Are you standing in the gap for your nation, church, family and friends?

When the Israelites won, Samuel built an altar!

If you study the Bible closely, you will discover that men who had encounter with God built Altars for Him!!!!
Now our altar is in the place of prayer where we meet with Jesus, where we commune in prayer. It can be anywhere.

Do you have a war room?

Do you have a meeting place with Jesus?

Do you spend time in the place of prayer? Great men like Samuel, won life battles in the place of prayer.

They settled issues with God and allowed Him handle it.

The Lord is calling you to arise in the place of prayer.

More Questions to ponder:
What are the idols in your heart? What is keeping you distracted from serving the Lord?

What other master rules your life? Is God in total control of your life or do you hold back some of it for yourself?


Arise warrior, Arise, take on your armour

and fight in the place of prayer.


Reflections From 1Samuel 8
1-3 Samuel made the same mistake his mentor Eli did.

His children walked not in the way of the Lord. There was no correction measures else the Bible would have mentioned it. Samuel failed to learn from his predecessor.

God did not mete out the same punishment but do you wonder why?

Was it about the impact and the relationship he had with God?

The strange request came in from the people…they wanted a King to rule over them…

Samuel as usual went back to God. He was displeased. God told him relax it’s not about you it’s me they don’t want! God said ‘protest solemnly’.

In other words, go easy on them…just tell them what it means to have a king over them.


In 1Samuel 8:11-18, Samuel spells out a long list.

When man rules over you he takes everything. 

When man rules over you he will make a slave out of your life, your children, and everything else


But when God rules over you He gives you everything. Amen!
God never pushes himself on us. He shows you and warns you ahead of dangers of wrong decisions.


A lesson for us…never make man rule over you. Whether in the church, in your family, or in the secular…  Let God be God in your life.

1 Samuel 8:19 They still refused….
1 Samuel 8:20  They want to be like others 

It is dangerous to ask God for something because you want to be like other people

Examine the reasons for your prayer requests. ….

Remember to get the prayers and full chapter 6-10 study plan, discussions and prayers >>HERE<<


By His Great Grace,

Ifeoma Samuel

  • Oh my goodness, what a precious truth you wrote out for us. I love this. I needed this big reminder that our power to intercede reroutes the enemy and demolishes strongholds today, friend!

  • What great points you bring up here. Yes, a place of prayer is essential. Thank you for the reminder and encouragement.

  • “The Lord is calling you to arise in the place of prayer.” You are so right. Thank you for the reminder today. I hope you’ll join us at Encouraging Word Wednesday and share a link or two this week!

    • 8 years ago

    I just studied through 1 and 2 Samuel last year, Ifeoma and am still longing to repeat it. There’s so much to be learned from Samuel and David’s lives in these two books. Thanks for sharing this as well as your heart to know God better.

  • Oh, where would we be without prayer? And, how crazy is it that we have total access to the Creator? He’s the best. đŸ™‚ Thanks for sharing, Ifeoma. đŸ™‚ I have a little post on prayer coming out tomorrow, too. đŸ™‚ Nice to see you, hope you’re having a great week. đŸ™‚ ((hug))

  • What a great reminder that the Israelites were conquerors, as long as Samuel interceded. As prayer warriors we must continue to pray and not let down the standard. Thank you for sharing with us here at Tell Me a Story.

  • There is nothing like the call to prayer. A war room also provides a place where you are not interrupted and it’s just you and God.

    • 8 years ago

    Hi Ifeoma! I have read in several places how important it is to have a place of prayer in our homes. You describe it as a ‘war room’, some say it’s a peaceful retreat. But whatever we call it, being in prayer during the day is important. I like to start out and end my day in formal prayer. Then, during the day, try to remember that I am always connected to him. It’s a work in progress, that’s for sure.

  • Prayer is such a powerful offensive weapon!

    • Yes Michelle. … I couldn’t agree more
      Thanks friend

    • 8 years ago

    Stand firm! Blessings as you fight the good fight!

    • Thank you Liz.
      Thanks for stopping by.
      Blessings to you too.

  • I need a war room. That sounds just so fierce. đŸ™‚
    But seriously, a beautiful reminder. We need to hear this today.

    • I like that??
      Every one needs a warfare strategy.
      Thanks Lux.
      Hope you are well?

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