Advent Day 15: From This Little

Advent Day 15: From This Little

“But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.” Matthew 2:6

Our Father sent the Angels to announce the birth of HIS true Shepherd, to the humble shepherds in the field that night. It could not have been a coincidence.

God plans every detail of how this world moves—He planned for their knowing and pondering and then rejoicing.

Isn’t it the lowliest among us who often have the clearest view of Heaven?
Jesus himself told us that in order to see Heaven we would need to become as little children. And truly, the Joy of Christmas is reflected in the eyes of those little ones.

They are held with a knowing, and a pondering, and then rejoicing.

Will I offer my heart to see Him, with a fresh pondering this Christmas?


Family Activity: In what way would you offer little. Drop surprise small boxes in doorsteps of some elderly in your community. 

Prayer: Lord Jesus thank you for your humble act of sacrifice. Thank you for choosing to walk among sin-soaked humans. Thank you for your gift of salvation in Jesus name.

About The Author

Bettie Gilbert can be found in a small town in Southeast Wisconsin, where she lives with her husband of 38 years.

You can find her blogging at where she is seeking to be transparent with the journey that God has her traveling with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, and Osteoporosis.


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  • “A little child shall lead them.” Isaiah 11:6b. From the beginning, God has been tellilng the World that the little is important. Often we think unless we do something BIG, we might as well do nothing. It is a lie of the enemy that steals our joy and purpose. God is always the BIG in the equation. We are always the little. I am amazed He allows us to help, considering our history. But in the process of His coming along side us, we are transformed.

  • “God plans every detail of how this world moves—He planned for their knowing and pondering and then rejoicing.” My favorite word from you post. I embrace this truth today. Thank you so much for reminding us that God has it all under control.

  • Sweet thoughts for moving our focus to others, Bettie!!

  • Thank you Ifeoma, for sharing such a beautiful prayer today. God’s timing is so perfect again–this is where His whispers have been to me the last few days. Am I still willing to embrace Him in the humbling process? Blessings to you my friend! xoxo

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