As one busy mama narrated her frustrations with day in day out routine with less value on productivity.
“Yes, I want to contribute to my local church, learn a new skill, start a small business, join the gym, join art classes etc. but I barely have enough time to finish my house chores”.
I totally relate. I have been on this road too. In fact I had shared some of my personal lessons in How To Plan For The New Year article. Do find sometime to read it.
The womanhood, motherhood and wifehood tug is a reality. Fulfillment embraces a totality of every component of our existence.
Whether you are a wife, or a mom, you are first a woman. You are an individual with a life purpose.
As New Year draws closer, the remaining few weeks provides you with another opportunity to strategize, make changes, complete tasks, set goals etc. Believe me when I say it’s tough when you are a wife and a mom. Your plan includes everything and everyone else’s.
I am sharing this unique mini-series with you because it is from one momma’s heart to another. Check out the previous entries…
How To Prepare Your War-Room for the New Year
Now, let’s talk about “What changes and adjustments, you are willing to make”.
Before a man plans to build a house, he must first decide what sort of a house would suit his needs.
Get a fresh writing pad or journal.
- Write out five experiences that bogged you down this year.
- Did you faced some disappointments? Are there specific attitudes that led to this?
- Write out five successes you enjoyed this year. What contributed to these achievements?
The secret to discovering worthy changes is being specific about the experiences and lessons you had this year. This will help you decide changes that are necessary.
Focus on things you can change.
Now that you are ready to set your goals for the New Year, here are 4 Pitfalls to avoid
Be realistic, while being positive about your goals. Bear in mind small is wise. Setting too many goals at a time is draining. Identify priorities and give yourself specific timelines.
For instance, Jessica is afraid to speak before a group. Public Speaking is something she longs to do but she needs to overcome her fears. She sets out to take lessons, read books and get a few speaking gigs.
Avoid competition. I have met a handful of people whose agenda solely borne out of what someone else is doing. Set goals with “you” in mind and not with what others have planned. Don’t set out for a medical degree just because all your friends are getting one.
Understand Your Uniqueness. I am a wife, a mom and I wear other hats too. In setting goals, I should include other real life commitments. You are in a different family, financial, geographical situation.
You need to embrace that while writing your goals. Some obstacles arise when you don’t embrace your uniqueness in your pursuits. This may lead to frustrations and eventual abandonment of your plans!
Be Determined to achieve your goals. I have met people who lack confidence in their goals. You need to believe in the goals you have set for yourself. These goals propel the steps and activities you take. Believe in finding success in spite of all.
Avoid Neglecting other areas of your life. Dear friend, you are in ministry as a wife, mom,sister, friend, colleague etc. It is easy for us to overlook some aspects of our lives while setting out goals. Include every part of your life during your goal-setting phase. Your War-room is important too. Read How To Prepare Your War-Room for the New Year
Most people are bogged down with achieving their goals because it is overwhelming, vague and with no clear cut direction as to how to achieve them.
Be intentional about the goals you set for yourself.
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