We are marching through the Giant-Slayer Bible Study. Today our study is anchored on the popular story of the Twelve Spies sent to view the land of promise. Ten chose to give a defeatist report. Only Joshua and Caleb spoke of victory.
Bible Reading: Numbers 13:26-33, Deuteronomy 1:28, Deuteronomy 2: 10-21, Deuteronomy 3:11, Joshua 11:21
What is the Grasshopper Mentality?
Why did the Ten spies choose to compare themselves with Grasshoppers?
Grasshoppers are known for their destructive nature of food crops. Recall the Egyptian plague with locusts?
They jump to avoid predators and camouflage to blend into the colour of the surrounding environment to avoid detection. Blend into avoid being spotted.
No matter how large the grasshopper is, it is on the lowest rank in the food chain after plants of course. So why think this low of yourself?
Circumstances sometimes make us doubt or forget who we truly are.
What a comparison, calling oneself a “grasshopper”. Emancipated from years of slavery, battered thinking, humiliation, these people were still held captive in their minds.
It is one thing to be free from the chains of bondage and completely different thing to walk in that freedom.
We see them constantly longing for the garlic and cucumbers of Eygpt. They preferred the food of bondage to their freedom.
They preferred not to fight for themselves. They preferred servitude to the gains of victory.
A captive held long enough soon forgets what it tastes like to be without the chains.
Breaking free in the captive mind is the greatest kind of freedom. 4 Powerful Traits. In their case limitations and barriers became their new masters.
They had great fear of possessing the land because of the people they saw.
They had gotten very close to their Big Dream. The Ten spies attest to the fact the land was prosperous. Yet they failed to see themselves worthy of the place.
They had no faith in the God who brought them this far.
They saw themselves as being too small. Not good enough. Not qualified. Not experienced. Not matching up to self-imposed standards.
It was their perception that influenced their judgment of the situation.
They compared and contrasted.
Pause and Ponder
Do you see the danger in comparison?
Notice how they lacked confidence in their God-given ability?
In what ways have you looked down on yourself?
Talk about the poisonous herd mentality. These men were able to convince the rest of the congregation with their “Can’t Do” analysis so much so the voices of Caleb and Joshua were not heard. Numbers 13:30
Popular opinion may not be God’s idea. It is dangerous to mix up with negativity. It doesn’t take long for a negative mindset to engulf like flames of fire.
We know the repercussion of their unbelief. Numbers 26: 64-65
Winning life battles start from the Spiritual place.
Your mind feeds off the spiritual or the flesh.
Journal Prompts
What are your feeding on?
Whose report do you believe? The Word of God or the threats of the Giant.
Further Bible Reading: Hebrews 4:1-3, Joshua 14:8, Isaiah 53:1, John 12:37-38, Psalm 3:6, Psalm 108:13
We are familiar with the stories of Caleb, Joshua, David, Daniel. Do you find connections between these men?
These men knew God. They have seen His miracles. They did not for once doubt God’s Power to deliver.
They understood what they were capable of achieving.
Can you say you are able?
What one-word readily comes to mind when you think of them?
Journal Prompts
What do you say about your situation?
What you see in the land?
What you think God can do?
How do you define your giant?
Understanding the Giant Slayer Spirit
Bible Study: Joshua 13:1, Joshua 14: 6-15, Joshua 15: 13-14
Know that only a few giant slayers exist.
Naysayers cant understand what you are seeing and nothing you do can make them flip! Not surprising there are many naysayers in our tribe.
Because you are not on the same wavelength, they often oppose you, fight you off in their naivety. Remember David’s brother, Eliab, or the other 10 spies?
Scripture says Caleb had a different spirit. Numbers 14:24
What kind of spirit was operating in the lives of the others?
How did they make it this far across the red sea?
You see corporate anointing is powerful. It covers up for weaknesses. They were a mixed multitude when they left Eygpt for the Canaan Land.
Just as in the days of the Israelites that journeyed through the wilderness, there will be a day of separation. The time to pick out the wheat from the chaff and the sheep from the goats will surely come. Matthew 25:31-46
James 1:2-8, Trials reveal what is on the inside. If we have been steadily following or if we have been minding our selfish gains.
That’s why winning in your personal life is mandatory. Growing in your spiritual life will help you confront life battles.
The others clearly were riding on grace thus far. They didn’t catch God like Joshua and Caleb. They had a doubtful spirit and refused to give up on unbelief.
Pause and Ponder
Are there areas where you doubt God’s promises?
Do you struggle with unbelief?
Winning battles need unmovable faith. Not one tainted with unbelief.
People follow God for His acts and miracles but have poor revelation about His Word and who God is Psalm 108: 7. Little wonder many in the general church often feel helpless when there is no Pastor or a spiritual leader urging them on.
There are times and seasons when you need to encourage yourself in the Lord. David encouraged himself 1 Samuel 30:6
Giant slayers move mountains in their personal lives. They have encountered God. They have personal testimonies.
They don’t depend on being spoonfed from the altar. Joshua 13:1, the people had slacked in possessing the land. God reminded Joshua about the many expanses of land yet to be claimed. But Caleb stood as one man laying hold of God promise until the end. He wasn’t waiting for the rest. He asked Joshua for His portion. Joshua 14: 6-15
Every believer should lay hold of God’s promise and ask the Lord for a manisfestion.
They seek God and grow in their quiet rooms.
Journal Prompts
Are you a seeker?
Are you dependent only on corporate anointing?
Have you asked the Lord for your portion?
Are you conquering battles in your life?
The 4 Powerful Traits of Giant Slayers
They are deeply in love with God: Psalm 63:1, Psalm 63:8 You can’t experience God without being a seeker. You have to be desperate for Him following hard after Christ. They know who God is. They have an intimate relationship and reverence for Him Daniel 11:32
They are God-Pleasers. Nothing else mattered to these men than being on the Lord’s Side. Naysayers and the choice of the multitude did not affect their stand. They were unshifted, unmoved. If this is God they were willing to give their lives. Obedient. Wholly followed God Humble and Ready Numbers 32:11-13
They Know the Power of God: you cannot claim to know God if you don’t believe in His power. They have tasted of His goodness. A giant slayer knows what God can do. Numbers 13:26-30 Giant Slayers know they have been given the Spirit of Power 1 Timothy 1:7. They know by God they will do valiantly Psalm 108:12-13
They are confident. Giant Slayers know their source of confidence, God. Working in victory depends on faith. By strength shall no man prevail. Psalm 20:7 I Samuel 2:9, 1 John 5:4
“Give me this mountain”. Caleb overran the people in the hills his confidence was rooted in the knowledge and experience he had of God. They are not afraid to ask for bigger challenges they are unafraid to take God upon His Word. They are ready to head-on into the field because they know who and whose they are.
Prayer Prompt: Ask the Lord to fill you with the Holy Spirit. Pray for God-confidence.
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By His Great Grace, Ifeoma Samuel
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