21 Days Prayers For Wives Day 8
Bible Study Devotions

21 Days Prayers For Wives Day 8

She girdeth her loins with strength and strengthened her arms Proverbs 31:17

This woman is typified by strength physical and spiritual. The Amplified version describes this verse as follows

“She equips herself with strength spiritual, mental and physical fitness for her God-given task and makes her arms strong”.

God releases strength to you to fulfil your divine mandate. How many times does the psalmist reaffirm that God is our strength and helper? Psalm 144:1

Even in very tough days, when you feel weary and unmotivated, recall God is your strength Psalm 27:1


Lord Jesus, you know my weakness. Every fiber of my being is known to you. Nothing is hid from your Holy Spirit. Father, endue me with divine strength for the task you have for me in Jesus name.

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  • Dear Ifeoma,
    I needed to be reminded of these verses, about God’s strength today! My husband had a minor knee treatment this weekend, and I have felt weary from the process, but God is the strength of OUR hearts! Thank you for sharing these timely prayers and Scriptures!

    • I’m truly sorry Bettie.
      Praying for you and your family.
      May the Lord pour out His Grace upon you and soak you up in His presence. May He hide you and your family in the secret place in the shadow of His wings in Jesus Name. Amen

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