Welcome to Week 6! Can you believe we have come this far, already?
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That difficult decision had to be made, the decision to hang in there and keep cool regardless of life struggles.
What if we become intentional about guarding our emotions living such times?
Emotions can run all over the place, if we let them. If we allow them, emotions can run the very things and people we hold dear.
I raised my eye brows. Following Ruth footsteps, verse by verse reveals a young woman growing, evolving, adapting and coming out strong.
Ruth tells you and I how much we need patience, humility, focus and faith to help us get by.
Ruth’s character released favour on her life.
Notice it was not Ruth’s intention to go about being “the good church girl” so to speak. It was who she was.
Oh! you know her already. Her life came with drama. She was far from living in a perfect world. She had watched her once revered home crumble to a million pieces.
Yet her sufferings and hardship did not change her person. Instead we watch her grow from the inside, sprout and bloom.
Want to know the kind of individual a person is?
Watch her character when things did not certainly go her way that is the test of true character…
Do you see you can’t fake it? It’s not about faking it until you make it. It is about growing through and thorough in the process. God knows how to chip out what this clay vessel doesn’t need. If He has to use tough times, He will.
Aren’t we all clay and He the Potter? When your heart cry out mould me, make me and fill me, it is a deep heart song. I read through the Week’s Study and everything says Lord I am yours, You are mine!
Ruth is who she is, Virtuous! Tough times have a way of bringing out who we are, what we feel on the inside.
Who are you when God is not giving you answers you want to hear?
Who are you when God seems silent?
Character is revealed in Hardship!
Catch up on WEEK 5 Video Discussion. and feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.
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