Advent Day 18: A Sure Word

Advent Day 18: A Sure Word

And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her. Luke 1:38

The Angel gave Mary the Word from Luke 1:30-37. When she received the word, the seed got planted in her soul. It takes a humble heart to receive God’s word.

Her womb was going to carry the Most Holy being.

It sounds impossible, unimaginable, beyond the human reasoning.

It became because she believed.

She latched on to the Word.

God’s Word is Sure.

God’s Word is unfailing.

God’s Word must be fulfilled.

Would you dare to believe His Word of Promise over your life?

Family Activities: Write in your journal the Word of Promise the Lord had spoken to you. Thank God for the Word He has given you. 

Prayer: With a humble a heart Father I come before Your presence. I come with a heart ready to receive Your unfailing Word. Let your Word be planted, rooted and anchored in my soul in Jesus name. 

  • I’ve enjoyed your contribution to Literacy Musings. I hope to read more next week.

  • Dear Ifeoma,
    Oh what a timely question for me today, as new medical issues have arisen. “Would you dare to believe His Word of Promise over your life?” He is still so faithful to care for us, even here! Thank you for your words of HOPE!

    • I’m so sorry dear friend. Today we will be praying for you on the blog.
      Mau the Lord strengthen your bones and heal in you in Jesus name

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