Raising An Esther Generation
Raising An Esther Generation Bible Study
Body Image struggles, Identity crises are real. Ever heard those lies that say ‘you a re not good enough’, ‘you are not beautiful’, ‘you can’t fit in’? I have heard them! I have been privileged to counsel and converse with girls and moms who struggle with it.
Surprisingly, many struggle in teen years carry it over and barely cope even as adults, wives and now, moms.
Please note, it is not enough to say..’You are beautiful’. It barely scratches the surface of the issue. If more moms can find healing themselves, then our daughters will have more confidence in who they are.
Dive into this amazing study! (Note that this is the first part!)
Day 1: 10 Thoughtful Questions For Moms Who Want To Raise Godly Children
Day 2: War Room: 7 Parenting Prayers For Every Mom