
Day 27: Thankful for the Love Received

Bible Reading: 1 Peter 4:8

It is a blessing to give and to receive love.

It is a beautiful thing to be loved.

I am thankful for the Love I have received from you.

It’s the little things that make a huge difference.

I’m thankful for everyone that had stopped by the blog, purchased our resources, invited me to speak at their events, referred others to our resources, liked or followed us on social media and emails. I am thankful for every inch of kindness I have received.

Thank you for showing the ministry kindness.

It is not too much to be grateful for kindness.

Today, spend time and compile a list of people who have shown you kindness. Write thankful notes, drop thoughtful messages or cards and send texts. One way or another let them know you are grateful for their kindness.

Prayer Prompt: Thankful for the privilege to love and be loved

NB. I share some short encouragement on Instagram reels. I have been finding those interesting lately. If you are on Instagram, feel free to join the community @purposefulandmeaningful

Get ready for Advent!

Visit the store to grab a Christmas Devotional of your choice. We have 7 Day Prayer Devotional for Advent.

I wrote a lovely family devotional alongside my friend Bettie Gilbert, A Christmas For Us; 25 Family Devotions

And “A Wonderful Christmas” is an interesting devotional based on Isaiah 53

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