
Day 26: Thankful for the Privilege to Serve

Bible Reading: 1 Peter 4:10

The gifts we are given are meant for others.

We are meant to serve and give back.

I am thankful for the rare privilege to serve others

What gifts do you have?

Are you thankful for them?

We discover more about our gifts when we put them to good use.

Your gifts are needed in the Kingdom. None of our God-given gifts is unimportant.

As we serve wholeheartedly, God uses these gifts to heal, help, bless, restore, encourage and support others.

When we sow our gifts it spreads like a drop of water in an ocean. One kindness after another it is passed along. There is no telling how impactful one line of verse, on a post on social media can encourage someone.

We don’t do it for our glory. We do it for Christ alone.

Today, I’m thankful for the opportunity to serve God’s people.

The gifts we have are meant to be a blessing to others. God’s gifts are for us to give back. I’m thankful for the rare privilege to serve.

It is a great honour to serve in the Kingdom

Prayer Prompt: Be thankful for the gifts you have received.

NB. I share some short encouragement on Instagram reels. I have been finding those interesting lately. If you are on Instagram, feel free to join the community @purposefulandmeaningful

Get ready for Advent!

Visit the store to grab a Christmas Devotional of your choice. We have 7 Day Prayer Devotional for Advent.

I wrote a lovely family devotional alongside my friend Bettie Gilbert, A Christmas For Us; 25 Family Devotions

And “A Wonderful Christmas” is an interesting devotional based on Isaiah 53

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