How To Find Hope For the New Year When You feel Underachieved

How To Find Hope For the New Year When You feel Underachieved

I wish I wrote more. I wish I had more time to do so.

I wish I did a few more things.

I wish my commitment to present tasks were better.

Maybe I would have done better if…

My closing thoughts as the year drew its closing curtains.

Does this sound like you too?

When I pushed the replay button I saw more gratefulness.

Gratitude Overwhelms Underachievement.

I smiled.

That’s the smile my feelings want to take away.

The smile the world says I don’t deserve.

But that’s the smile God wants for me.

The smile of gratitude.

The smile of hope.

Related Article: When Life Doesn’t Smile Back

What does it matter?

In an achievement and title-driven world it is easy to lose sight of the blessings and progress we have made.

Are you feeling underachieved?

Did you fail to reach your goals the previous year?

Is it worth it being hopeful in the New Year?

Here are simple thoughts to help you.

  1. The past year taught you invaluable lessons. In the process of going through tons of feelings, take a few moment to reflect on difficult situations.

What did they teach you?

The lessons we learn prepare us for our tomorrow.

Life lessons are treasures we find on life path.

So, pick up those treasures and tuck them away.

They may save you tomorrow.

As I searched the scriptures and prayed for counsel. Counsel are pieces of advice we gain from people, lessons, and scriptures.

The lessons I learnt this closing year all become counsel for me and for those whom I share them with.


  1. The value of life is not in achievements but in quality. It may take you a while to handle but you are worth more than the awards, certificates, titles.

You are an influential entity.  

Perhaps you are rating your last year wrongly.

The Value Of Your Life Is Not In Achievements But The Quality Of Life You Live

Rate it on the lives you have touched, the smile you have put on the faces of others.

Rate it based on the improvement you have made in your attitude.

Rate it upon your growth spirit, soul and body.

Remember, what the scripture says… 

And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth. Luke 12:15

  1. Every day we find hope as we open our eyes. There is hope for today and courage in hope.

You can take that step towards forgiveness.

You can dream again.

You can take that step toward your dreams

Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward.

Hebrews 10:35

Related Article: Encouragement For When Your Hope Is Fiercely Shaken


  1. You gained friends. Are friends on your list of achievements? I have never seen anyone who added ‘Get good friends’ on their list of goals.

Fact is, good friends are hard to come by. Anyone who has them is blessed.

The people you surround yourself with influence your life path.  

He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed. Proverbs 13:20

Related Article: Why You Need Praying Friends


  1. You gained invaluable moments. Moments that will be with us forever. We grow differently and we learn different life lessons.

Whether it’s picture-captured or memory-imprinted there are events that occurred in the previous year that will remain in our hearts.

Keep the mostly good moments and learn from the not-pleasant ones.

There are learning curves captured in your heart.

They are for keeps. 


6. You can start again. If you still feel beat down, it is no problem. Give yourself another chance. God gives us many chances. We ought to do same for ourselves. Just make sure to keep trying.

Give yourself a chance to try again.

You can start on a fresh page.

You can give your dreams another shot this year.

You can become a better mom, wife, sister, friend, you.

You can do better even at Bible Studies. (Join us at GMG Nigeria)

In fact, God has given you another opportunity. He knocks firmly at your door.

Maybe that is what you are not doing that is keeping you down.

You are need to head out this New Year with the Lord.

Start the New Year with Jesus and see how it works well for you.

It is guaranteed to be better than you had imagined.

God Bless


  • Such great things to remember. There is joy in everyday if we seek after it. Thank you for linking up over at the Grace & Truth link up party.

  • Great reasoning here but as u read, this kept screaming..Don’t rate it at all…Just give thanks and go be even more grateful this year.

  • Great article and advice! It’s so easy to feel like we aren’t doing as much or achieving as much as others, be it personally or professionally. I love your advice to think of the good and be happy for what you have. And like you say, you get to start fresh this new year and try again. Visiting from Saturday Sharefest party.

  • Great post! The world has a way of making us feel value by what we achieve vs what God says gives us value.

  • This may be the best post I’ve read all day. I so needed these words of encouragement. Thank you.

  • Thank you for this post! It resonates so clearly with me… 2016 ended rather rocky for us but at the very end peaked up and HOPE was shining in the darkness (I posted it at Reading your post reminded me of all the goodness we glean from the hard times that prove hope does exist!! thanks again xoxo

  • Good advice! It’s easy to be too hard on ourselves. It’s good to look back and be grateful for all we have learned and how we have grown.

  • Coming over from Women with Intention!
    It can be depressing when you don’t get things done that you wanted to, but I’ve learned in my ripe old age that enjoying the day as it comes is truly a blessing!!
    And you’re so right that each day is a new beginning!!

  • UGH – I certainly struggle with the same “yard stick” mentality that’s always coming up short. Thank you for putting the grace of God on display here, Ifeoma.
    It’s good to hear from you again — and your new look on the blog is lovely!

  • So many things left undone, but those we touch with writing, visits, meetings, will be the changes in lives that matter. Your suggestions are always such wisdom and encourage us to keep on. Thank you for sharing with us here at tell me a Story.

  • You wrote this as a looking back guide, but it’s great to focus on the same for looking ahead. Great stuff!
    Stopping by from Inspire Me Monday.

  • Hello, Ifeoma. I loved your approach here. Especially when you said, “rate it on the lives you have touched, the smile you have put on the faces of others.” Thank you for a thoughtful post on what many of us feel: under-achieving. Yet, if we keep our focus on what God wants us to do, we will always be a success!
    Glad to have read this today at #literacymusingmondays. Have a beautiful day!

  • I completely agree you can always start again no matter what! I also think that even a small achievement or a small step is something. Plus its important to see the positive out of every negative. Happy new year!

    Foirell |

  • The world tells us to focus more on ourselves when we feel down, I love your advice to press on, move forward! Am I missing your ‘Tweet’ button? Would love to have shared this!

    • 8 years ago

    This past year I was able to leave my job to raise my son full-time. I however wish I would’ve gotten more accomplished. I definitely feel like and under achiever.

  • Ifeoma,
    Joining with you in forming an attitude of gratitude for what I have learned this year…tucking away treasures….and going forward with a clean slate.
    Have a blessed New Year!!
    Bev xx

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