When The Mountain Waits For You
Bible Study

When The Mountain Waits For You

Jesus said go get the colt which no one has ever sat on.  Do you notice the disciples reaction to the instruction? The disciples didn’t complain or say why, how…

They followed instructions. They had no doubt in their hearts that Jesus was sure of what He was saying. They immediately picked up their feet and moved. Like He had said the met the owners and told him the Master has need for it.

The owners did not object.

 Bible Reading: Luke 19: 29-35

God clearly had gone ahead of them.

Remember, Abraham, Lot’s Uncle? When God said follow me and I will show a Land. Abraham didn’t engage unnecessary negotiations. He trusted God.

Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee: Genesis 12:1

Do you see why it is dangerous to hesitate and doubt when God gives you an instruction?

Read: The Danger of Partial Obedience

Lot was meant to get to that Mountain and escape for his life. Were it not for the intercession of Abraham he would have been destroyed along with Sodom! God hearkened to Abraham’s prayer. Mercy spoke on Lot’s behalf.

Read: When Mercy Speaks

Compromises short change you.

Compromises take you out of God’s agenda

A compromised heart sees excuses and impossibilities.

Lot didn’t see how God could get him to the Mountain. He thought it was up to him to reach the mountain on his own. To trust the Lord and Obey were the keys to the Mountain. All we need is to follow with the Keys to the Mountain.

Read: 3 Keys To The Mountain

When God gives an instruction, He already knows the way.

The mountain was waiting for Lot. If it were not so the angels would not have told him to go there.

If God has not made provision for your journey, He won’t send you there

You have to pack your bags and follow His instructions. 

When God gives you an instruction, everything works to favor that cause. 

All you need do is obey.


From one wrong decision borne out of distrust for God to another. The girls walked in the ways of their father.

Quick Prayer: Dear Jesus may my children learn to trust you. Let my life point my children to you, dear Jesus in Jesus name. Amen.

And the firstborn said unto the younger, Our father is old, and there is not a man in the earth to come in unto us after the manner of all the earth: Come, let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father.

Genesis 19:31-32

Who told them God was able to sustain their lineage?

Look at Job… Can you see he is perfect example? He went from a man who lost all in a day to a man with a seven-fold increase. Holding on when everything falls apart. That’s called trust.

You want to get to the mountain, don’t you?

I certainly want to be on the Mount of Holiness, the Mount Zion of Old.

It is not a journey for the easily distracted, feeble minded, faint-hearted. It is for those who would rely absolutely on the Lord. 


Many have wandered off the chosen path like Lot and his family

They have turned their backs on the Lord.

They have sought their own gains

They have bought into lies and deceit.

But it not about them but you…

Have you lost your way?

Come let’s go up the Mountain. Let us find our way back to the Holy Hills.

Let us return to the Lord.

The Mountain awaits us.

Jesus waits for us.

Time is running out.

The Mountain calls us to arise and take our journey

Awake from slumber and seek the Lord Jesus

Do you have ears?

Do you hear Jesus calling?


Lord Jesus surround me with your presence and fill me up Holy Spirit. Fill the hunger of this desperate soul. I long for you to satiate the unfathomable corners of my heart. Lord Jesus fill my heart today. Holy Spirit come as of old as a mighty rushing wind and overtake me right where I am in Jesus name. Amen.

  • […] you negotiating for less than God’s best for you, like […]

  • I need to remember that – “When God gives an instruction, He already knows the way.” I have to admit, though, that I like to see the way; traveling by faith is difficult. But I know we can’t please Him without faith. Proverbs 3:5-6 are my favorite verses in the Bible. 🙂

    Thanks for linking up with us at Literacy Musing Mondays.

  • Thanks for linking at #PorchStories!

  • Arise – Shine – Awake – Seek the Lord – AMEN! This is so good… but oh man, the line about compromise short changing us…. oh yes, it is so very true. May I not compromise Lord, but may I be wholly committed and never wavering. Thank you Ifeoma for your inspiring posts that challenge and motivate us all to go to the Mountain. Blessings and thanks for linking up with #TuneInThursday

  • Hi Ifeoma! I always feel sad when I read Lot’s story because he actually thought that the angels who had saved him from the lustful men of the city, revealed their God-ordained mission to him and told him where to escape to would allow him to be destroyed in the judgment of those cities. How so like us sometImes! Busy calculating and worrying, forgetting, as you pointed out, that God has worked everything out already. Thank you so much for a rich lesson and for that prayer at the end.

    • 8 years ago

    So much truth here. Why are we sometimes so slow to trust and follow? He has provided all that we need, and even if we can’t see the next step, He knows and will guide.

    Blessings to you, dear Ifeoma! xo I’m your neighbor at #porchstories today!

  • God will make a way, when I obey. Not before it. Great points!

  • This was much needed for me this morning, Ifeoma. I’m definitely one of those “easily distracted” people. It can be so hard for me to stay focused on Him and keep moving up that mountain. Thank you so much for these beautiful words of encouragement. Many blessings to you, friend.

    • 8 years ago

    Some powerful and encouraging truth here, Ifeoma! Blessings to you! Your mountain awaits!

  • Ifeoma,
    This is so convicting! My favorite lines:

    Compromises short change you.
    Compromises take you out of God’s agenda
    A compromised heart sees excuses and impossibilities.

    It’s so easy to make a compromise – especially little ones that we think don’t matter when it comes to our faith. But in the end it will never pay off. God’s way is firm. And it works best. AND it leads to living victoriously!!!

    Thank you so much for sharing this hope with us at #MomentsofHope ♥ You are a blessing.

  • Pure truth! Glad to be your neighbor at Kelly’s today

  • Thank you for bringing such a beautiful and encouraging post, Ifeoma. Such a good reminder that the Lord will lead us on journeys that He Himself has prepared us to go. May I obey as He leads. Blessings!

  • Dear Ifeoma,
    Oh yes, your words speak of such truth! When God calls us, He will give us instructions, and He will provide all that we need for the journey. So often I try to figure out how I will survive in the place He calls me to be, but that is up to Him, isn’t it? My only job is to obey what He asks of me. Thank you for your encouragement!

  • I agree to this, sometimes, it’s really hard to trust God esp when we know that the climb might be too high. But he has overcome right?

    Missed your blog!

  • I love the image of embarking on a journey that God has made all the preparation for. If I could only hold that image in my mind every day, my journey would be much more confident and fearless!

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