My daughter pressed me hard. Refusing to wait for the drink to get cooled. I said in 30 minutes it should be ready. But she pushed every two minutes. Checking in and asking when 30 minutes wait was going to be over.
Seeing an opportunity to throw in some life lesson, I caved in. I took off the lid and poured it out and handed her the glass.
She twisted her nose in displeasure! Well that’s expected. A cool drink would have being refreshing. Of course, she refused to wait!
I saw my kidself in her!
Aren’t we like kids a lot of the time. We get weary waiting. We are too anxious to unwrap what our Heavenly Father has for us. We want it now! Even when He encourages us to wait a little and hanging there just a bit.
After a few days, during one of our devotions she asked this question,
“Mommy, Why is God taking His time in answering my prayers? I have prayed over this before!
Back to waiting again!
I presume God has her learning these ropes. Yet again, I saw myself.
Have you ever thought God as slow?
Or that He doesn’t show up when you want Him to? I have been there too. In fact, life makes us travel that road sometimes.
When God takes His time, He has got something even better.
See what the scriptures say,
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9
Every word of promise whether health, finance, eternal life and new birth, marriage, children, joy etc are sure. He never breaks His Word as people do. Do I hear an Amen?
We are all in an expectation. We are believing God for something in our lives. The truth is, waiting is necessary for our Faith journey. It’s not easy waiting but it is by far very rewarding.
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5 Reasons To Your Treasure Your Waiting Season
Here’s why you should never neglect or despise your waiting season.
1. Strength comes from the wait. The wait grows our spiritual and mental strength. God knows you will need it.
2. We gain unusual capacity from the waiting season. As we pick up faith lessons in our waiting season, we are growing in depth. We become firmer in faith.
3. The waiting season allows to launch out as an eagle. You spread your wings unafraid. You reach heights higher than where you once were . .
4. You have a lasting tenacity to go the long way and fulfil the tasks set before you.
5. You have learnt how to keep moving regardless of how slow things look like.
Are waiting on the Lord for that miracle?
Be encouraged. Don’t give up…
Anchor Scripture
Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
What share with me what has your journey being like?
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