Christ is the perfect example of living the giving life. He gave his all that we may come into manifold grace. Walking in his footsteps require that we learn not only to give our all to the Lord but also to die to self.
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From using His spiritual gifts to offering His time to people far and near, Jesus brought hope. When He hung on the cross He bore the weight and burden of sin. He felt the deep pain as the nails pierced His hands and feet. Dripping with blood, He said, “It is finished”. John 19:30
What a heavy price Christ paid for the sake of His beloved.
You can’t hide your love for God. It is not a stage act that happens at Christmas. It is a lifestyle.
You will express that love everywhere you go because carry the love of Christ in your heart. It is not limited to or determined by the color of your skin or the place you find yourself or what you have in your pockets.
The life of Christ teach and encourage us to reflect upon our personal choices, attitudes and character and most of all our life towards giving in that Christ gave and lived a giving life.
7 Powerful Truths Jesus’ Life Teach us about Giving

- Gift of love. In our last Sunday sermon, the minister stressed on forgiveness, as an act of brotherly kindness. Choosing to forgive the difficult people can be a struggle. God knows we need help in this area and Jesus gave us a perfect example of what it means to forgive.
The weight of His love for us is reflected in His forgiveness of our sins. The woman with the alabaster box had so much gratitude for His love. Shall we speak of the Samaritan woman at well?
Showing love this Christmas may start with forgiving a brother and sister who has offended us. God has forgiven you for sins it is time to do your part by forgiving others.
Bible Study: 1 John 1:9-12, Matthew 6:14, 1 John 4:7-12
Journal: Are you holding on to unforgiveness and bitterness?
Write the names of those who are you choosing to forgive. Pray for the Holy Spirit to help you in this area. Make calls if necessary.
Search out three other scriptures on forgiveness and meditate on them
Prayer:Let every piece of my heart shattered by hurt, disappoint, anger, bitterness and pain be bounded by your unconditional love and let power of forgiveness bring soul deep healing to my soul in Jesus name. Walk with me, Jesus as I take this high road to forgiveness. I understand it is a requirement for me to forgive others and treat them with love just as I have received from you, Holy Spirit give me a forgiving heart in Jesus name.
- Gift of Presence. Jesus was busy. He was always surrounded with people during His time on earth. When Jesus went to visit His disciple’s mother, he showed us what it meant to be there for those around you. He was neck deep in work yet he still found a way to be there for family and friends.
Bible Study: Matthew 8:14-15
One of the best gifts you can give is the “gift of your presence”. Your presence is a treasure because it lingers long in memories and touches the heart deeper than your wrapped gifts. While Jesus didn’t hand out food at all his meetings or clothes or shoes or even money, He made precious time out to be with them. Jesus reassures us of His continually presence in our lives, Matthew 28:20
Time, may be all you meaningfully give this Christmas.
Would you take the chance to be truly there for those around you?
- His Heart: Jesus was all about the Kingdom of God. He was after service. He did it, he taught it and he lived it out with everything.
Giving should be seen as a service to God not man.
Bible Study: Luke 2: 48-50, Luke 10:27, Ecclesiastes 12: 1
Giving is a reflection of your heart. Not manipulative or cunning but a true reflection of the love of Christ.
Journal: Is your heart in your giving?
- Jesus gave His compassion; In John 11:35 is one of the many scriptures we see the heart of Jesus and the gift of presence in this scripture. Compassion inspires us to give our spiritual and physical gifts to others. Jesus gave through the eyes of compassion. We too should.
Bible Study: John 11: 33-37, Luke 7:12-16
As he came close the city of Nain, His heart heard weeping of the widow’s only son. He was moved. That gathering of sorrow, weeping and mourning suddenly turned into joy, thanksgiving and a city turned upside down with awe of the miracle.
Even today, Jesus is moved by your suffering. His heart hears and feels your pain. Don’t think for a moment Jesus is far from you.
I pray you experience Jesus in this season. I pray with all my heart that Jesus turns your weeping into joy. That’s what He does. It is never too early or late for a Christmas miracle. Do you believe?
Journal Are you moved with a sincere compassion to meet the needs of others?
Is your God given talent or gift utilized with compassion to serve in the Kingdom?
- His Will; We are naturally self-seeking. Our fleshly desires make us do things with “motives”. Walking with Jesus teaches us opposite. Selfless and the act self sacrifice are what we learn. Jesus didn’t run about trying to be all about his own agenda. His life was about the Will of the Father. That’s a tough life, leaving everything and pursing what God wants for you.
Bible Study: Luke 12:16-21
Notice how all this man labored was for his “self”? He had no room left for Christ let alone others. All that treasure he heaped wasted away. One day, our Father will call us home, where will what you have your“self” be?
Giving may start with you making a hard choice to give up your “self”.
Journal: In what areas are your selfish desires taking over His will for your life?
Is there room for Jesus in your heart?
- His Gifts.My friend spoke to me about how busy he was this holiday setting up for the church outreach program. He and a few others seem to be the only ones running about for their church outreach. I asked him why not ask others to join in. Do you know his response? They don’t want to. It is not surprising to find only a few laborers working to keep the gospel rolling.
From healing, to encouragement, to miracles, casting out of demons, Jesus used His spiritual gifts to serve multitudes. It requires a lot of strength to move from city to city, speaking and attending to huge crowds of people. But that did not stop Jesus from pressing on.
God has blessed us with various gifts, spiritually and physically. Looking at how much God has done for us it is a little thing to give it back to God through service. The gift of God in your life is for you to serve others with. Your light shouldn’t be hidden under your bed neither should you quench that burning flame.
Bible Study; Luke 12:16-21, Luke 18:18-22, Acts 10:38
In our study, we read about the rich man who kept hoarding and storing away all the gifts he had. He reminds of the rich young man who couldn’t bring himself to share his goods.
Hold your thoughts for a moment.
Don’t look only at the physical riches, think of the spiritual gifts, testimonies and spiritual riches. Do you see many of us are like the rich men described in these passages. We like to hide away from genuine service and
wholehearted serving.
Journal: Are you too selfish to share with others your God-given gifts?
Prayer:Lord, help me get away from my “self”. Crucify my “self” Lord. To do you Will is my desire. Take me and use me as you please in Jesus name.
- His Life: Most of all Jesus gave His life for us. Were it not for His life, where would we have been today? Everything Jesus did was for you and I to be free from the chains of sin, bondage and death that once held us bound.
Bible Study: 1 John 3:16, 1 John 4:16
If Christ is not in our hearts, then we are merely participating in a festival.
To live the life of Christ should be our highest calling. Therefore there is no Christmas without Christ anchored in our heart and soul.
Look to the cross differently. Seeing how much Christ gave for your sake, do you have Him in your heart?
Prayer:Â Everything I am and will ever be all is because of you dear Jesus. I giveyou my all, Lord. I seek you with all my heart, may your gift of love in mylife be clearer to my heart. Help me to walk in a life of giving as you have taught me in Jesus name.
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