overcome lies of the enemy
Bible Study

When You Want To Believe The Lies Of The Enemy

What is the biggest lie you’ve ever heard about your life? Which lies taunts you? Quite frankly, I heard a lot to last a life time.  Whether in marriage and marital choices, or family life, or in parenting, or health, lies foster and thrive on fears and insecurity. Lies establish control on their victims. But […]

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Bible Study

8 God-Truths That Shred the Enemy’s Lies

Depression. Frustration. Lies and more lies. Poorly trying to remember whose Word should be in my heart. My heart sunk under the weight of the enemy’s taunting thoughts. I grabbed my Bible it was time for a shaking up. As I paced around I declared the authority of God’s Word and Truth. Whether it is […]

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Bible Study

7 Common Lies Christian Women Often Believe

What is the biggest lie the enemy have ever told you about yourself? What lie has he whispered over your divine assignment? It takes courage to identify and confront the lies you have always believed. Satan presents lies to make your eyes shift away from Jesus. Shifting your focus from Jesus just a bit is […]

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Bible Study

7 Ways The Enemy Whispers Lies

How do you spot a lie? By the Truth in God’s Word. Statements you have been told becomes lies if they have no place or cannot be validated it by the Word. The Father of lies is cunny and deceptive. He will try to catch you at unawares. He plays these mind games that get you […]

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Bible Study

Why You Should Silence the Lies Of The Enemy

Ever been told something nasty about someone you trust? I’m sure you have heard side talks about you that thing make any sense at all. You know you are not alone every time you read through the Genesis. Eve was told the greatest lie ever about someone she had trusted. Genesis 3:1-6 She had an […]

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Bible Study

How To Overcome The Lies of The Enemy Using The Word

I remember soaking my pillow over the word that was said to me. The sad thing is I allowed myself to believe those lies. I wish I had withstood the lies of the enemy immediately instead of allowing it grow into a tree that needed to be uprooted. God has the final say over our […]

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