I enjoy in-depth Bible study. Combing deep and not just perusing the Bible helps you understand principles and lean closer.

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Finding the right Bible Study method depends on what you are looking for.
And as such I recommend flexibility in choosing a Bible Study method. As we go through ever changing life seasons what is fitting today may not be convenient tomorrow.
Simply put, Bible Study method is not a one size fit all approach. I developed the T.E.A.C.H method for days when you want to dig in and have thorough and through study of the Word.
What is the TEACH Bible Study Method?
Please watch this video first…
T – Take in the word. Reading the scriptures with open heart and hunger to hear what God speaks to your heart
E – Explore and engage. Using commentaries like Matthew Henry, Bible apps that allow compare versions of the Bible, Word study on English or Hebrew meanings using concordance and dictionary etc.
A – Application helps you find what God expects you do with what you’ve learnt.
C – Conversation. Praying through and praying over the scriptures is powerful.
H – Holding on through memorizing and meditating on specific verses that speak to your soul.
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Who is TEACH Bible Study Method for?
I recommend T.E.A.C.H for the woman looking to do in-depth study whether chapter based, systematic, chronological, verse by verse study or topical study.
4 Benefits of the TEACH Bible Study Method
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*It provides you an opportunity to do research. You could do a Word study with various commentaries, Hebrew translations, Dictionary etc.
*Many studies exclude the meditation aspect of the verses that spoke loudly during your Bible time. With the T.E.A.C.H Bible Study method you pause and hold on to these verses through meditation and memorization.
*T.E.A.C.H Bible Study provides a through and thorough approach to studying the scriptures. T.E.A.C.H Bible Study Method allows you to sit deep one verse per time. It is filling and satisfying to study through the word with thorough approach.
*Whether it is topical or chapter based or Book based study you are doing TEACH helps you explore and connect other relevant verses to the one you are doing presently.
Heads Up: Honestly, if you are busy, you will be more needing time to complete this Bible Study Method it may not work well if you aren’t consistent! You may try the R.A.P Study.

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