incorporate beautiful artwork as a focal point in my blog posts to wrap my
study of Scripture and prayer around.
wonderful encourager to me during this time, inspiring me to think about
publishing some of my devotionals as a book.
artwork on several of my blog posts in 2015, I was captured by the intricate
beauty of her beautiful original art print, Name
Above All Names Alphabet.
Krista Hamrick’s beautiful original art
print, Name Above All Names Alphabet,
was so inspiring to me. Each of the 26 individual Names of Jesus Christ which
she identified were so special, almost like stained glass windows, as Krista
intricately painted each one with its Scripture reference. My heart was drawn
to write a devotional word study based on the Scripture reference for each
Name, starting with the letter “A” for “Alpha and Omega”
and continuing through all 26 letters to “Z” for “King of
One day, I received an email from a sweet lady named Jane Anderson in Kansas
asking if her women’s group could use these devotionals for a Bible study. She
told me she had created a quilt of Krista’s artwork. She prepared the quilt
squares for me and I put them together to form the completed quilt.
I purchased the 11” x 14” Name Above All
Names Alphabet art print from Krista, and she and I felt led to publish our
Above All Names Devotional: Focusing on 26 Alphabetical Names of Christ with
her illustrations and my devotionals.
Now I have installed a quilt shelf to hold my quilt, our books, and placed
Krista’s inspiring framed artwork next to it in my quiet time space…such a
Combining the beauty of Krista’s artistic excellence with these word study
devotionals is perfect for individual quiet reflection or small group Bible
studies focusing on the Name Above All Names—Jesus Christ—and His attributes
and characteristics.
Above All Names Devotional: Focusing on 26 Alphabetical Names of Christ
Book Review by Michele Morin:
complexity of human behavior, the synchronicity of multiple systems in our own
anatomy — and in the solar system — all point, through general revelation, to
the nature of God: multi-faceted, magnificent, and yet mysterious. Special
revelation in Scripture picks up where creation leaves off, and Beth Willis
Miller has teamed up with artist Krista Hamrick to focus on twenty-six pieces
of evidence in Name Above All Names Devotional: Focusing on 26 Alphabetical
Names of Christ. The result is an alphabetical collection that resembles a
twenty-six sided gem, each facet reflecting a slightly different hue of the
nature of God the Son. From Alpha and Omega to King of Zion, each devotional
highlights the Scriptural basis for the name in multiple translations and then
provides commentary on the verses. Beth applies the truth and then invites her
readers to join her in a prayer that turns the truth into a paean of praise.
mere academic exercise, the point of Name Above All Names Devotional is
Look in – I am propelled to ask galvanizing questions about my discoveries:
“Because God is ___________________, I should therefore _______________.”
Look out – Let the nature of God impact on every relationship, for your good,
and for His glory.
With full-color art work and space for notes, Name Above All Names Devotional
is a treasure for devotional reading, a resource for serious study, and a
thoughtful and inspiring gift for loved ones.”
Above All Names Devotional: Focusing on 26 Alphabetical Names of Christ is
available on Amazon at this link:
Alphabetical Names of Christ with Illustrator, Krista Hamrick; contributing
author of Under His Wings: Truths to Heal Adopted Children’s Hearts; 21 Stories
of Generosity: Real Stories to Inspire a Full Life; A New Song: Glimpses of the
Grace Journey; married with two adult children, and two adorable grandsons.
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