By now most of
us have written our yearly goals. But one of the places we suffer defeat in our
resolutions and yearly goals is the when we feel overwhelmed and outnumbered
them. It is a trap we ought to avoid.
us have written our yearly goals. But one of the places we suffer defeat in our
resolutions and yearly goals is the when we feel overwhelmed and outnumbered
them. It is a trap we ought to avoid.
goals and expectations should not be a source of frustration.
goals and expectations should not be a source of frustration.
desires for the year should not be a joy-killer.
desires for the year should not be a joy-killer.
understand that life feels overwhelming especially when things don’t turn out
the way we had planned. Like the Syrian army marshaled out against Elisha and
his servant, that same way we feel completely surrounded by circumstances
trying to drown us.
understand that life feels overwhelming especially when things don’t turn out
the way we had planned. Like the Syrian army marshaled out against Elisha and
his servant, that same way we feel completely surrounded by circumstances
trying to drown us.
Bible Reading: 2 Kings 6: 9-16 (click to read online)
reality is we may not be confronted by a physical army like Elisha but in every
way we are faced by to-do lists and goals, life challenges, unexpected events
reality is we may not be confronted by a physical army like Elisha but in every
way we are faced by to-do lists and goals, life challenges, unexpected events
But Elisha’s servant couldn’t process how Elisha was so at ease despite
the dire situation. That worried him.
I would too!
I would too!
Keeping calm in the midst
of hassling situation takes trusting the capability of WHO is with
of hassling situation takes trusting the capability of WHO is with
course, the servant could only see his old master and him. So how were they
going to get past this army surrounding them?
course, the servant could only see his old master and him. So how were they
going to get past this army surrounding them?
his master saw what He didn’t see.
his master saw what He didn’t see.
What are you Not Seeing
about your situation?
about your situation?
>>Continue Reading<< (click to read)
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By His Great Grace,
Ifeoma Samuel
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