Bible Verse: II Corinthians 12:9
I have seen God’s grace expressed in all areas of my life. I have enjoyed His grace in salvation, in weaknesses, in overcoming life giants.
I’m thankful for Great Grace.
A grace so amazing
Sufficient grace
Saving grace
Sustaining grace
Life-giving grace
Unmerited grace
We cannot do anything without God’s grace
Prayer Prompt: Thank the Lord for sufficient grace for everyday life
NB. I share some short encouragement on Instagram reels. I have been finding those interesting lately. If you are on Instagram, feel free to join the community @purposefulandmeaningful
Get ready for Advent!
Visit the store to grab a Christmas Devotional of your choice. We have 7 Day Prayer Devotional for Advent.
I wrote a lovely family devotional alongside my friend Bettie Gilbert, A Christmas For Us; 25 Family Devotions
And “A Wonderful Christmas” is an interesting devotional based on Isaiah 53
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