Hey you,
Tired of Throwing Anger Tantrums?
Granted we process hurt differently!
Sometimes, we hold on to hurt like it’s a valuable possession. At other times we think we have the right to hold tightly to our bitterness and unforgiving attitude. The painful thing is the hurt we endear wounds others unknowingly.
While unforgiveness can express itself in countless ways like short fusses, chronic anger bouts, unfriendly disposition… you see the deceit is feeling we have the right to do mean things because we have been hurt.
Guess What?
You can overcome Anger God’s Way
We lose the freedom and peace forgiveness brings. The enemy wants to deprive us of the joy of living full and joy-filled lives. That’s the difference between those who forgive easily and those who don’t.
I want to forgive more easily and I want that for you too! I have tasted both sides and know the difference.
The gift of forgiveness is what Jesus did on the cross for you and me.
Many times we pray for breakthrough and don’t realize that forgiveness is our freedom card, the very door that opens breakthrough miracles.
I have a strong feeling about this!
It is time to let go of that Angry Kid Badge you’ve been wearing.
Do you battle with anger?
Does it feel like a torrent when you are angry?
Do you struggle with the storm inside of you?
This Study is for you!
You can overcome that anger
you can live a Joy-filled life
You can control your emotions and live a Spirit-led life.
As I worked through this during my study, God worked on my heart. I discovered how anger was a product of deep-seated unforgiveness. This study will expose your heart to the Truth of God’s Word.
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Have you believed any of these lies about Anger?
You can’t handle anger; it’s the way you are wired.
Everything and everyone is annoying.
I need to control the way things are.
What makes Anger a dangerous vice?
Anger makes us do uncontrollable and regrettable things- things, you will feel terribly ashamed of.
Anger hurts those we love.
Anger is a soft bed for sin and stifles our relationship with God.
Anger is contagiuos.
Anger can be controlling
Good News, you are not the only one who has gone through or is going through. 1 Corinthians 10:13
You can overcome that Anger! Don’t let it control your life. Don’t let people stay away from you.
You and I need the God’s help to overcome weaknesses that stifle our relationships with God and those we love.
What To Expect?
This is 21-Day Interactive Bible Study which will take through 4 Weeks in August starting from 3rd of August to 31st of August Lesson with…
a) A Devotional Bible Study with Character Study and/or Verse Study. We will explore the lives of different Bible Characters faced with diverse situations. We would also study various related verses.
Recommended: You can use our TEACH study method for the verse Bible study. Download your Free TEACH journal to get started
Download our free RAP Bible Study Journal suitable for busy women
b) Key Scripture to write out and meditate on. I love scripture meditation.
c) Journal Prompts: Our Studies are usually interactive so expect lots of reflections and journal prompts to help you gain depth as you go along.
d) Words of Affirmation. Confessionals help us remember the Word we have heard. Also, speaking, life is a powerful way of improving our faith.
e) Prayer: Guided prayer and Prayer prompts
f) Action Plan. Basis of Bible Studies is life applications and healing. So we will pay attention to the practical steps we need to take.
What You Will Learn?
I invite you to join me work through that anger with the Word. In this Overcome Anger Bible Study, you will learn:
a) To recognise Trigger Patterns and situations that fuel them.
b) Arm yourself with the wisdom to overcome anger every single day.
c) To face difficult people and situations and handle them with calmness.
d) Intentionally cultivate joy and emotional balance.
How To Schedule for the Bible Study
You will receive these posts daily in your email. Which you can delve in at anytime in the day.
I sometimes have medium-sized video sessions on YOUTUBE. I encourage you to subscribe and press the notification bell too.
If you choose to, share your thoughts here on the blog.
Optional: When our online Bible Studies on the blog are done, the full versions are always available in our store for purchase. You can check out other Bible Studies HERE.
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