went over to my homeland-Nigeria with my daughter. It has been over four years
and I have not been home.
immigration points.
photos, waved goodbye to friends and family here and we more excited to rejoin
friends and family here in Nigeria.
glorious it will be when we go to our home up there in heaven.
The distractions and delays we had faced at the airport can be likened to
the pressures we face. We are often pulled in different directions and are likely to lose focus when we don’t remember what lies ahead!
nothing on earth can be compared with it.
As we await the Lord’s return it is
needful that we live a life ready and prepared knowing that we cannot tell when
it will be but we know it is very soon more than we expect.
As strangers and pilgrims our journey will soon come to an end and our destination is sure if we prepare our hearts and our ways for the Lord.
The welcome my daughter and I received can never be compared with the welcome the countless angels and other saints will give us when we arrive at our heavenly home.
remember we are strangers and pilgrims and have a place we call home.
as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the
soul; 1 Peter 2:11
Be encouraged friend our heavenly home awaits us.
Nothing we see should move us because we know where we are going and we trust
in Him who knows the way He leads us.
delayed my response to your comments. I have the habit of visiting you before I
respond here on my blog that way I can keep track of blogging friends I am yet
to visit.
It may take a little while but I will get to your blog and respond
here too! Thanks for your understanding and I appreciate your kindest comments
thus far☺
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