Bible Study

Anger: How To Rise Above Envy

Devotional Session: Welcome to the second session in our Study series. We have seen the nature of anger and how it presents itself we also did character studies alongside.

Watch our Short Video Recap –> ANGER MANAGEMENT 101

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In this second part, we answer the question, “How to Biblically Overcome Anger every day”. Our discussion will centre on practical steps to overcome

To help us build intentional prayer habit, I created a Prayer Tool you can use along with this study.  It is available for $5 USD only. Scroll to bottom page.

Key Scripture: Genesis 26: 2-5, Genesis 50:15-21, 1 Samuel 23: 13 to 1 Samuel 24 – 28

What to Do When You Are Surrounded By Envious People

God gives Isaac an instruction and Isaac obeyed and continued in the land. Many things about Isaac make me fall in love with His character. Isaac was sowing in the land in such an impossible time- famine. His response to in scarcity was “sowing in the land”.

Lack requires that we get into action.

Journal Prompt.

Have you paused to listen to His divine direction?

What is God nudging you to do in that situation?

God blessed Isaac. He was prosperous in a very difficult time. Whenever we walk in obedience, God commands his blessings over our lives.

If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land. Isaiah 1:19

The secret to enjoy divine blessings lies in obedience.

Those who have learned to listen and obey live thriving joy-filled lives. Despite ups and downs life presents, God gives us everything to come through that obstacle.

Hold on a bit. Those blessings attract envy. The same response to Abraham’s success, the Philistines envied Isaac just as they did to his father, Abraham.

Isaac dug his well three good times without giving up. Tow out of those times his wells were wrongfully possessed. But that didn’t stop Isaac.

Isaac knew something and someone the Philistines did not know.

He was operating from another level higher than mere mortals. Hence his response to their attacks was – “unexpected ignore and move on”

The hapless Philistines got tired of covering up his wells. People who envy you will wear themselves out. As Isaac never stopped building those wells, we must never stop pushing ahead.

He the choice to deal with Philistines out of anger and frustration with their mean behavior. His attitude takes grace. Those who walk closely with god have a completely different attitude towards life and issues. They usually don’t respond as ordinary people do.

It was land. It was their space. Isaac operated in wisdom. He preserved through that persecution.

Rehoboth was born out of trust and reverence for God. God will always make room for his own even in the midst of envy, oppression and rivalry.

The more they tried to stop him, the greater he became.

Recommended Video…. HOW TO OVERCOME ENVY

Journal Prompt

How would you respond in a similar circumstance?

Do you trust God to help you through negativity?

Must opinion be heard in every issue?

Difficult in our day to withhold opinions. We are only a tap away from venting on social media, hopping on any trending bandwagon, throwing rants without caring for whose ox is ground… oh girl, how do we rise above envious people?

Isaac’s silence at this time spoke volumes and when they returned to make peace, he confronted them with their hatred and ill-treatment.

You may enjoy this video “8 Steps to Handle to Negative Criticism”

Those who rejected you in the time past, for no just cause, may have reason to show up at your doorstep tomorrow. In our previous study, we see that scene play out in the life of Jephthah in Judges 11: 1-33

Isaac did not seek to defend himself. He remained obedient to God.

When the Philistines sought to make peace with Isaac, he obliged them.

The ill-will of others can be a stumbling block on our path. But God always turn it around for good. Envy can bring destruction to the innocents.

Consider Joseph and his brothers in deadly envy. Years would roll by and the same man whom they have rejected became their savior in the time of famine. What a divine plan!

Joseph considered the situation as God wanting to save their posterity. He never considered paying them back in their coin. Instead, he did something remarkable- testing his brothers out to see if they have genuine change of hearts.

Journal Prompt

Do you readily forgive those who have offended you?

Do you seek a path of peace?

Let’s take an overview of King Saul and David. King Saul envied David. He hated him and sought every mean to destroy him. Every of those times King Saul failed.

During the pursuit David had the opportunities to avenge himself but He chose better. His men wondered at him, “How can any person let their rival go?”

David rose above Saul’s envy. He focused on what God had for him. He honoured the Word above the desire to seek vengeance. David chose not to harm God’s anointed. He left Saul to bear his consequences.

We should let God deal with difficult people in our lives.

The enemy is trickery. He wants us to err by going directly against divine instructions. He knows when we fight for ourselves we leave God out of our business.

Journal Prompt

Are you confronted with hot envy?

Have you sought the face of the Lord concerning it?

What has the Lord asked you to do about it?

God will always fight for His people. Let God be your mouth piece and defence.

While Joseph forgave his brothers he needed to be sure they were not the same people as he left them. That’s wisdom.

Words of Affirmation.

The Lord is my defense and my hiding place.

The Lord has made room for me.

Action Plan

Have you found yourself in an overwhelming situation? Look to Jesus.

What does the Lord ask of you? Stay in reverend obedience not doubting what He has told you.

Keep moving forward. Have you fallen several times? Get up and keep pressing ahead.


Say no to vengeful thoughts or actions.

Have a broad view of the situation. See from the perspective of faith and God’s plan for your life.


Father, thank you for your word of refreshing healing and comfort today. Help me to forgive and choose your way over mine lust for vengeance. Help me to be discerning in tough times. Give me wisdom to know when to speak and when to answer not a word. Thank you for filling me up and satisfying me through Your Word in Jesus name. Amen

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I created this tool to help you get intentional in your War room. Praying strategic prayers over difficult situations can be life-changing.

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The Overcome Anger Prayer Tool contains:

  • 7 Days Guided Prayer from the study
  • 7 Devotional Summary based on the Bible Study
  • Scriptures for your War Room
  • Journalling Space 

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