She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21
We have carried our sins with us for so long. Why would anyone think that we could live any other way? We have grown complacent and numb to the pain that is caused by those sins.
And when the Torah is read, we say that we love Your Law, Yahweh, and yet we leave the synagogue to berate our neighbors and steal from our customers.
O Father in Heaven how long can we go on, living this way?
When will You send Messiah?
I wonder if Mary’s heart ached with the carrying of the sin that she felt?
Did she long for mercy and forgiveness before the Angel came?
And do I long for mercy during these days of Advent, as I wait for Christmas morning?
Family Activity: Suggest a simple way to reach out to others within your community who are yet to be reached.
Prayer: Lord, bring my heart to a place where it needs to be. Let my heart be ready for you and you only. Meet me available, ready and willingly to say YES to you in Jesus name. Amen.
About The Author
Bettie Gilbert can be found in a small town in Southeast Wisconsin, where she lives with her husband of 38 years.
You can find her blogging at where she is seeking to be transparent with the journey that God has her traveling with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, and Osteoporosis.