Bible Study

7 Powerful Strategies To Defeat Lies Of The Enemy Everyday

We are in the front of life battle lines every waking day!

Constantly sold lies.

Constantly accused.

Constantly pushed, pulled and tugged.

Our safety and battle plan lies in the Truth of God’s Word. I love using the Bereans in the Book of Acts as a reference to what it means to be an effective Bible Study student.

Today, you and I can attest to the fact that we mostly live hurried and harried lives.

We are always in a hurry. Running after one thing or chasing the other. For moms, wives working or not, the demands are far more!

The demands of life presses hard into our time, schedules, energy e.t.c. It takes precise intent to fight for time and manage the seemingly few hours a day we’ve got.

Do you often feel too busy to study the Word? Watch this 

The believer’s authority is in the Word.

It is in the Word we have Life.

The Bereans took time to validate what the Apostle was teaching. These kind of believers are not overtaken by falsity of doctrines, the world or the lies of the devil. The Word of God is the Sword that every believer can use.

Arm yourself with the truth and reject the lies of the enemy.

Strategy 1: Know God. All the Bible characters who did exploits they knew who God was. The enemy couldn’t get them to shift because they were anchored on the Word. Check out the Anchored Woman Bible Study.

The Word was planted in the hearts of those who believed.

You can’t know God without His Word. We get to know God through His Word. Our faith builds up when we tuck the truth about who our Lord is in our hearts.

And no man, and no situation can pluck you out of His hand.  John 10:27-29

It is important to know the voice of God. Whether the enemy feigns like a friend as we see in Ezra 4:1-3, it is important you distinguish the voice of God from that of the enemy. They were able to stand their ground because the held on to the Word planted deep in their hearts.

One question that brings that reminds your heart back to the truth is

“What does the Lord say about this?”

On the Study plan we study about Ezra and learnt that God never goes contrary to His Word. They had a divine assignment. Whatever did not go in accordance to that was shoved aside.

Shove aside distractions from your divine assignment.


Strategy 2: The Word and The Blood. David and Goliath encounter is a stark reality of how every day words can impact our lives. Notice the Israelites we afraid. The words of Goliath were rooted in fear. The soldiers began to see themselves as unable to defeat the Philistines.

Notice how David gave back those words to Goliath. He refused to accept them. Many times we let negativity and evil spoken into our lives to settle in. We brood over them and get them a second thought. David didn’t waste time with what the bully said. He refuted them with the Word.

Psalm 81:10…”Open your mouth”

 The Blood and The Word of Your Testimony. Remember, the word of your testimony. Remind the enemy the victories you have had in the past. David shared his testimony.

The Word of your testimony speaks of gratitude and trust you have for the Living God.

Revelation 2:11 The Blood is our token of deliverance.  There is power in the blood of Jesus to deliver and to save. Bring your lie soaked garments and let the Blood of Jesus wash them.


Strategy 3: Never rely on your perception, rely on the Holy Spirit:. Ever heard that looks are deceitful? Sometimes even what we see are lies!

Eve saw that the fruit was good. Everything God had said to them flew out the back door. She believed the enemy. She saw what the lies wanted her to see. Another example is Joshua and the men from Gibeon in Joshua 9:9-21

They forgot about the instruction God gave them. They didn’t ask counsel of the Lord before entering into a covenant with them.

Think on what lessons can you draw from this?

Be sure to ask God before you proceed with difficult or seemingly easy looking decisions.


No Negotiation with the enemy. The enemy seeks to put us in a position of compromise. Notice Tobias offering to join in the restoration of the temple when his intentions are far from noble. Yet Ezra and the others stood their ground.

Here’s something to learn from, when you punches from all corners, stand your ground with the truth.

That’s something Daniel did too. He stood his ground refusing to compromise.

The same did David when He confronted Goliath. He came against the giant in the name of the Lord of Hosts. He remained unmoved.

Be unshaken in the battle front. Stand your ground. Whether someone believe you or not, if God had said it, stand your ground on the Word that He told you. Stand your ground and fight on for your marriage, kids, health, home, husband, etc.

Is the enemy mocking God’s Word like Tobias and Samballat did to Ezra? Stand your ground.


Strategy 4: Fervent Prayer: Hezekiah took the letter and laid it in the temple. He surrendered the boast the lies and the contentions at the feet of God. Prayer is a very potent weapon against every onslaught of the enemy, lies inclusive.


Strategy 5: Be Fully Armoured. No soldier goes to battle poorly suited. But this battle is more real than the earthly wars we hear of. The battle to enslave the souls of men is an age long battle for control.

The devil is experienced in this war but he is forever defeated in Jesus name. Every believer must always be prepared. Never be caught unawares. Ephesians 6:10 provides all the tools for our warfare.


Strategy 6: Be Fully Trusting. Noah was possibly mocked for still believing God when there was not a sign of what he was told. Yet his eyes were steadfast. He continued to build that ark. He ignored the humiliation and held on to God’s Word. Trust God more than anyon


Strategy 7: Remember Who You are in Christ. Now that you know God and the power you have as a believer, as the battle brews don’t ever forget what God says about you and His promises

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